我在 Fedora Linux 上运行 GNU Ed。GNU Ed 手册隐晦地提到了'r'
使用最后一次搜索的而不是最后一次替换的 re (如果搜索发生在替换之后)。
我看不出它的用处,尤其是当将 Ed 与 一起使用时rlwrap
在 Ed 中,我可以使用这个正则表达式测试空格:g/ *$/p
。我不认为有办法显示空格,也许通过将缓冲区的内容传递给另一个 shell 命令?
有没有办法让 Ed 创建当前加载到缓冲区的文件的备份。有时我会不小心覆盖我的文件,发现它无法恢复。即制作一个备份文件,在原始文件名后附加一个波浪号(例如,myfile.txt~),其中包含该文件的先前版本。
sed -n 's/\|®MD-IT¯\|®MD\+BO¯\|®MDNM¯®LL\.8LI,0LI¯\|®LL0LI,0LI¯\|®MD\+IT¯\|®LL.8LI,0LI¯®MDIT¯\|®MDNM¯®FL¯®LL.8LI,0LI¯\|®FL¯®MD-BO¯\|®FL¯®MD-BO¯\|®MD-BO¯\|¯®OF1IN,1IN¯®FC¯®LL1LI,0LI¯\|\|®SF1,1¯\|®FM1FT=0LI,LR=1;\|®MDSU¯®FN1¯\|®MDNM¯¯\|®IV-RTF\|\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\.\|¯®BF0¯\|®FS1\|-------------------------------------\|¯®FW1\|\|//gp'
这些代码都是在另一个应用程序中创建的Nota Bene
问题是字符没有被替换。我已经尝试过这样做,Sublime Text
并成功地使用 find-replace (regex) 剥离了文档。我最好创建一个sed
这是在 `Sublime Text 中打开时的示例 nb 文件:
®SSDEFAULTS¯®LR1¯®JU¯®MD+BO¯®UFTimes New Roman¯®SZ12Pt¯Glossary®MD+BO¯®TS.5IN,1IN,1.5IN,2IN,2.5IN,3IN,3.5IN,4IN,4.5IN,5IN,5.5IN,6IN¯ ®MD-BO¯
®NJ¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯®MD+BO¯®LL0LI,0LI¯®MDNM¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯A fortiori proposition: If X is true, then how much greater is Y true? To move logically from a stronger argument to establish a weaker argument. The weaker argument is sometimes presented by the speaker as the stronger argument.
®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯Accusative of motion/direction - Indicates movement to the noun marked by the accusative and is to be distinguished from the accusative of local determination which indicates location without motion (Joüon and Muraoka 2006, 428).
Anadiplosis - A figure of speech in which the word that a colon ends with, or a like sounding word, is the word that begins the next colon ®GC|CI:R#=47;AU=Brown, Raymond E.;YR=1990;TI=New Jerome biblical commentary;PG=245;XT=;F[=;F]=;F#=;ID=;XX=Print;CT=;FL=¯(Brown, Fitzmyer, Murphy, et al. 1990, 245)®GC¯.
®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯Anaphoric use of the article - When the article is used to indicate that the word to which it is attached is the one previously mentioned (Williams and Beckman 2007, 36).
®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯Anaptyxis - The insertion of a vowel into a word to avoid a consonant cluster.
®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯Aoristic perfect - I use the phrase 'aoristic perfect' to refer to one of the ways the qatal form can be rendered into English. Aoristic perfect denotes a past situation the implications of which are no longer felt in the present. The situation may have extended over a period of time and it may have occurred more than once. It may have occurred in the recent or distant past but from the standpoint of the speaker it is to be regarded as a fact having occurred and hence as a fact belonging to the past (Joüon and Muraoka 2006, 337; Driver 1998, 12). The term 'aoristic perfect' and indeed the other categorizations of perfect in this grammar, all relate to the interpretation of qatal verbs in their given contexts. The qatal form in and of itself does not convey these meanings.
®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯®LL0LI,0LI¯®LR1¯®LL.5LI,0LI¯Beth essentiae - ®LAHebrew¯ÿHá®LAEnglish¯ that is used to indicate the predicate of a clause or a word used predicatively (Joüon and Muraoka 2006, 458).
A fortiori proposition: If X is true, then how much greater is Y true? To move logically from a stronger argument to establish a weaker argument. The weaker argument is sometimes presented by the speaker as the stronger argument.
Accusative of motion/direction - Indicates movement to the noun marked by the accusative and is to be distinguished from the accusative of local determination which indicates location without motion (Joüon and Muraoka 2006, 428).
Anadiplosis - A figure of speech in which the word that a colon ends with, or a like sounding word, is the word that begins the next colon (Brown, Fitzmyer, Murphy, et al. 1990, 245).
Anaphoric use of the article - When the article is used to indicate that the word to which it is attached is the one previously mentioned (Williams and Beckman 2007, 36).
Anaptyxis - The insertion of a vowel into a word to avoid a consonant cluster.
Aoristic perfect - I use the phrase 'aoristic perfect' to refer to one of the ways the qatal form can be rendered into English. Aoristic perfect denotes a past situation the implications of which are no longer felt in the present. The situation may have extended over a period of time and it may have occurred more than once. It may have occurred in the recent or distant past but from the standpoint of the speaker it is to be regarded as a fact having occurred and hence as a fact belonging to the past (Joüon and Muraoka 2006, 337; Driver 1998, 12). The term 'aoristic perfect' and indeed the other categorizations of perfect in this grammar, all relate to the interpretation of qatal verbs in their given contexts. The qatal form in and of itself does not convey these meanings.
|> sed -n l Glossary.NB
\256SSDEFAULTS\257\256LR1\257\256JU\257\256MD+BO\257\256UFTimes New R\
\256MDNM\257\256LR1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257A fortiori proposition: If X\
is true, then how much greater is Y true? To move logically from a s\
tronger argument to establish a weaker argument. The weaker argument \
is sometimes presented by the speaker as the stronger argument.\r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Accusative of motion/direction - Indicates mov\
ement to the noun marked by the accusative and is to be distinguished\
from the accusative of local determination which indicates location \
without motion (Jo\374on and Muraoka 2006, 428).\r$
Anadiplosis - A figure of speech in which the word that a colon ends \
with, or a like sounding word, is the word that begins the next colon\
\256GC|CI:R#=47;AU=Brown, Raymond E.;YR=1990;TI=New Jerome biblical \
commentary;PG=245;XT=;F[=;F]=;F#=;ID=;XX=Print;CT=;FL=\257(Brown, Fit\
zmyer, Murphy, et al. 1990,\240245)\256GC\257.\r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Anaphoric use of the article - When the articl\
e is used to indicate that the word to which it is attached is the on\
e previously mentioned (Williams and Beckman 2007, 36). \r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Anaptyxis - The insertion of a vowel into a wo\
rd to avoid a consonant cluster.\r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Aoristic perfect - I use the phrase 'aoristic \
perfect' to refer to one of the ways the qatal form can be rendered i\
nto English. Aoristic perfect denotes a past situation the implicatio\
ns of which are no longer felt in the present. The situation may have\
extended over a period of time and it may have occurred more than on\
ce. It may have occurred in the recent or distant past but from the s\
tandpoint of the speaker it is to be regarded as a fact having occurr\
ed and hence as a fact belonging to the past (Jo\374on and Muraoka 20\
06, 337; Driver 1998, 12). The term 'aoristic perfect' and indeed the\
other categorizations of perfect in this grammar, all relate to the \
interpretation of qatal verbs in their given contexts. The qatal form\
in and of itself does not convey these meanings. \r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Beth essentiae - \256LAHebrew\257\377H\341\256\
LAEnglish\257 that is used to indicate the predicate of a clause or a\
word used predicatively (Jo\374on and Muraoka 2006, 458).\r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Classic perfect - I use the phrase 'classic pe\
rfect' to refer to one of the ways the qatal form can be rendered int\
o English. Classic perfect refers to the continuing present relevance\
of a past situation from the perspective of the speaker (Comrie 1976\
, 52). By perfect I do not necessarily imply that a previous situatio\
n has resulted in a state but that the situation has implications rel\
evant to the present. The situation is not merely past and over but s\
omehow persists and continues to intrude into the present. Such verbs\
are usually translated into English using the perfect or present ten\
se. I have included under this definition quasi-stative verbs which r\
efer to attributes which were acquired before, but which are assumed \
to continue in some way up to the present moment (Driver 1998, 11; Jo\
\374on and Muraoka 2006, 333; Waltke and O'Connor 1990, 487). In some\
grammars these are treated separately. However, that creates too man\
y functions for the one perfect form. The term 'classic perfect' and \
indeed the other categorizations of perfect in this grammar all relat\
e to the \256MD+IT\257interpretation \256MD-IT\257of qatal verbs in t\
heir given contexts. The qatal form by itself does not convey these m\
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Cohortative of praise. The cohortative is ofte\
n used in Psalms to indicate that praise, freely undertaken, has begu\
n. This usage is close to the cohortative of resolve but not identica\
l with it. The emphasis falls not on what the writer is intending to \
do, but what he has already undertaken. \r$
Cohortative of resolve - The cohortative mood normally expresses the \
will of the speaker, but when the speaker has the ability to carry ou\
t what he wants it takes on the coloring of resolve (Van der Merwe et\
al. 1997, 152; Waltke and O'Connor 1990, 573).\r$
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Concluding \256LAHebrew\257\377h\353\377H\351\
\256LAEnglish\257 - A special use of the word \256LAHebrew\257\377h\
\353\377H\351\256LAEnglish\257 found towards the end of several Psalm\
s and approximating in meaning to: the conclusion of the matter is th\
1\257\256LL.5LI,0LI\257Conjunctive waw - Waw used to connect clauses \
给我Invalid address
. 这很奇怪,因为特别是在调用全局替换之后,人们想返回之前所在的位置,因为全局替换重置dot
仅替换 ed 中第二次/第三次出现的单词/短语的语法是什么?
He wanted to buy groceries from the shop, but preferred not having to go into the shop. >>
He wanted to buy groceries from the shop, but preferred not having to go into it. >>
在 Unixls -l
ls -lt
ls -lu
它给出了长列表和访问时间,并从 az 对文件进行排序,而不是按最后一次访问。我希望ls -lu
ls -lut