(deftemplate user-preference
(slot scan-type (type SYMBOL))
(slot environment (type SYMBOL)))
(deftemplate scanner-recommendation
(slot scanner-name (type STRING))
(slot description (type STRING)))
(deftemplate question-progress
(slot stage (type SYMBOL)))
;; Initialize question stage
(defrule initialize-question-stage
(not (question-progress))
(assert (question-progress (stage next)))
(printout t "Initialization complete. Stage set to 'next'." crlf))
;; Rule to ask initial scan type
(defrule ask-scan-type
(not (user-preference (scan-type ?)))
?f <- (question-progress (stage next))
(printout t "What type of scan are you interested in? (webapp/network/cloud/infrastructure): " crlf)
(bind ?input (read))
(if (or (eq ?input webapp) (eq ?input network) (eq ?input cloud) (eq ?input infrastructure)) then
(assert (user-preference (scan-type ?input)))
(printout t "Scan type set to: " ?input crlf)
(retract ?f)
(assert (question-progress (stage follow-up)))
(printout t "Invalid input. Please enter 'webapp', 'network', 'cloud', or 'infrastructure'." crlf)
(retract ?f)
(assert (question-progress (stage next)))))
;; Ask environment for webapp scans
(defrule ask-webapp-environment
(user-preference (scan-type webapp))
?f <- (question-progress (stage follow-up))
(printout t "Are you looking for a comprehensive or entry-level webapp scanner? " crlf)
(bind ?input (read))
(if (or (eq ?input comprehensive) (eq ?input entry-level)) then
(assert (user-preference (environment ?input)))
(printout t "Environment set to: " ?input crlf)
(retract ?f)
(assert (question-progress (stage complete)))
(printout t "Invalid input. Please enter 'comprehensive' or 'entry-level'." crlf)))
;; Ask environment for network scans
(defrule ask-network-environment
(user-preference (scan-type network))
?f <- (question-progress (stage follow-up))
(printout t "Do you prefer deep or fast network scanning? " crlf)
(bind ?input (read))
(if (or (eq ?input deep) (eq ?input fast)) then
(assert (user-preference (environment ?input)))
(printout t "Environment set to: " ?input crlf)
(retract ?f)
(assert (question-progress (stage complete)))
(printout t "Invalid input. Please enter 'deep' or 'fast'." crlf)))
;; Ask environment for cloud scans
(defrule ask-cloud-environment
(user-preference (scan-type cloud))
?f <- (question-progress (stage follow-up))
(printout t "Are you focused on cloud security or container security? " crlf)
(bind ?input (read))
(if (or (eq ?input cloud) (eq ?input container)) then
(assert (user-preference (environment ?input)))
(printout t "Environment set to: " ?input crlf)
(retract ?f)
(assert (question-progress (stage complete)))
(printout t "Invalid input. Please enter 'cloud' or 'container'." crlf)))
;; Ask environment for infrastructure scans
(defrule ask-infrastructure-environment
(user-preference (scan-type infrastructure))
?f <- (question-progress (stage follow-up))
(printout t "Is this for IT infrastructure or endpoint security? " crlf)
(bind ?input (read))
(if (or (eq ?input infrastructure) (eq ?input endpoint)) then
(assert (user-preference (environment ?input)))
(printout t "Environment set to: " ?input crlf)
(retract ?f)
(assert (question-progress (stage complete)))
(printout t "Invalid input. Please enter 'infrastructure' or 'endpoint'." crlf)))
;; Recommendations based on user input
;; Webapp scan recommendations
(defrule recommend-invicti
(user-preference (scan-type webapp) (environment comprehensive))
(assert (scanner-recommendation (scanner-name "Invicti")
(description "Best for comprehensive webapp scanning.")))
(printout t "Recommendation rule triggered for Invicti." crlf))
(defrule recommend-stackhawk
(user-preference (scan-type webapp) (environment entry-level))
(assert (scanner-recommendation (scanner-name "StackHawk")
(description "Best entry-level scanner for webapp security.")))
(printout t "Recommendation rule triggered for StackHawk." crlf))
;;; Other scan recommendations with same / similar code to Webapp scan reccommendations
;;; e.g. network, cloud and infrastructure
;; No solution if no scanner-recommendation is found
(defrule no-solution
(question-progress (stage complete))
(not (scanner-recommendation (scanner-name ?)))
(printout t "No scanner recommendations based on your selections." crlf))
;; Output best solution if scanner recommendation exists
(defrule best-solution
(question-progress (stage complete))
(scanner-recommendation (scanner-name ?name) (description ?desc))
(printout t "Recommended Scanner: " ?name crlf)
(printout t "Description: " ?desc crlf))