conky.config = {
use_xft = true, -- use xft?
font = 'DejaVuSans:size=9', -- font name
xftalpha = 1,
uppercase = false, -- all text in uppercase?
pad_percents = 0,
text_buffer_size = 2048,
override_utf8_locale = true, -- Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
use_spacer = 'none', -- Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
update_interval = 1, -- Update interval in seconds
double_buffer = true, -- Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
total_run_times = 0, -- This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting. Set to zero to run forever.
-- Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window = true,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_argb_value = 255,
own_window_type = 'desktop', -- transparency seems to work without this line
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
-- Minimum size of text area
minimum_height = 50,
minimum_width = 210,
draw_shades = false, -- draw shades?
draw_outline = false, -- draw outlines?
draw_borders = false, -- draw borders around text?
draw_graph_borders = false, -- draw borders around graphs
stippled_borders = 0, -- stripled borders?
imlib_cache_size = 0, -- Imlib2 image cache size, in bytes. Increase this value if you use $image lots. Set to 0 to disable the image cache.
-- Gap between borders of screen and text. Same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x = 90,
gap_y = 5,
alignment = 'middle_right', -- alignment on {y_axis}_{x_axis}
cpu_avg_samples = 2, -- number of cpu samples to average. set to 1 to disable averaging
net_avg_samples = 2, -- number of net samples to average. set to 1 to disable averaging
no_buffers = true, -- Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
default_color = 'e0e0e0',
default_shade_color = '000000',
default_outline_color = '000000',
temperature_unit = 'celsius',
color1 = 'ff55ff', -- heading's color
color2 = 'ffffff', -- normal text's color
lua_load = '.conky/netdevs.lua',
conky.text = [[
${color1}NET: ${hr 2}${color2}${lua_parse conky_show_netdevs}
-- conky_show_netdevs : template for network
-- usage : ${lua_parse conky_show_netdevs}
prev_result = ""
function conky_show_netdevs()
updates = tonumber(conky_parse("${updates}"))
interval = 10
timer = (updates % interval)
if timer == 0 or prev_result == "" then
local netdevs_handle = io.popen("ip -j link show up | jq -r '.[] | select(.operstate == \"UP\" and .ifname != \"lo\") | .ifname'")
local result = ""
for netdev in netdevs_handle:lines() do
result = result .. "\nIP (${color1}" .. netdev .. "${color2}): ${alignr}${addr " .. netdev .. "}\n" ..
"${color2}Up: ${color2}${upspeed " .. netdev .. "}/s${color1}${alignr}${upspeedgraph " .. netdev .. " 10,170}\n" ..
"${color2}Down: ${color2}${downspeed " .. netdev .. "}/s${color1}${alignr}${downspeedgraph " .. netdev .. " 10,170}\n" ..
"${color2}Total Down: ${color2}${totaldown " .. netdev .. "}${alignr}Total Up: ${totalup " .. netdev .. "}\n"
if result ~= "" then
prev_result = result
prev_result = "\n"
return prev_result
s 和downspeedgraph
s 之外,一切正常。conky_show_netdevs()
据我所知,我认为这个问题是由于每次重新加载 conky 时都会解析 lua 函数的内容而引起的,这可能会导致图形重新加载。所以,我尝试将conky的更新间隔增加到10秒。但仍然没有运气:( 👎。
文件只是一个 lua 文件这一事实,因此您可以将 lua 代码放入其中。使用它来调用生成配置字符串的修订函数,并将其连接到变量上
。(你曾经能够在 lua 中以全局方式访问它,但这似乎不再可能了)。所以终止
与并编辑 lua 以删除任何 conky 调用,然后返回配置: