The etckeeper program is a tool to let /etc be stored in a git, mercurial,
bzr or darcs repository.
It hooks into APT to automatically commit changes made to /etc during
package upgrades.
It tracks file metadata that version control systems do not normally support,
but that is important for /etc, such as the permissions of /etc/shadow.
It's quite modular and configurable, while also being simple to use if you
understand the basics of working with version control.
像etckeeper 这样的工具就是为此 而设计的。
apt-cache show etckeeper
.cd /etc
tar cvfz myfiles.tgz shadow passwd group
要恢复文件,只需使用 tar 和 'x' 而不是 'c' :
cd /etc
tar xvfz myfiles.tgz
这些版本之间的哈希算法应该没有变化。系统不“知道”您的密码——通过单向摘要算法运行用户输入并将输出与 /etc/shadow 中的哈希值进行比较,将它们计算为匹配或不匹配。甚至可以想象,多个输入将与存储的哈希匹配,但您不能以另一种方式返回,据我所知,编写密码导出脚本是不可能的。
从 glibc 2.7 开始,SHA-512 似乎已经成为标准,因此 Ubuntu 8.10 和 10.04 在这方面应该是完全兼容的。