今天,我遇到了Veeam 社区论坛帖子中描述的问题。在特定情况下,Veeam 会无意中将合法磁带标记为清洗磁带,从而将其完全从 VBR 控制台的视图中移除。没有用户可访问的方法将其从目录中删除,擦除、重新扫描或清点磁带也没有任何效果。
:: TapeDrive alert: The tape drive is due for routine cleaning:. Wait for the current operation to finish. Then use a cleaning cartridge. Check the tape drive user manual for device specific cleaning instructions.
:: TapeDrive alert: The last cleaning cartridge used in the tape drive has worn out:. Discard the worn out cleaning cartridge. Wait for the current operation to finish. Then use a new cleaning cartridge.
:: Marking tape <TapeName> as a cleaning cartridge
您会注意到磁带库中的一个插槽神奇地消失了。丢失的插槽将与 Veeam 认为是清洗磁带的磁带的位置相对应。