我正在考虑为我的跟踪系统或库存管理系统设置服务器。我想知道 6 核或 4 核是否足以满足最低要求,或者我应该获得 8 核或 16 核 cpu,因为我不想购买一些只做相对简单任务的矫枉过正的服务器?
Here is what i'll be doing for my server:
-Website Hosting
-Inventory and Tracking System.
I'm also planning to set RAID Array for it too here is the 2 i'm considering:
- Raid 1+0
- Raid 6+1
- Raid 1
- Raid 6+1+0
And yes is there any recommendations for raid controller.
I would also need to consider the ram and mother:
For Ram (ECC) :
- 8gb
- 16gb
- 32gb
- 64gb
- refurbished desktop ( i7 6th gen)
- MSI Z170A (ATX)
- X570M (mini ITX)
- X570 (ATX)
- B540M