Eu tenho um servidor Munin (2.72) monitorando muitos servidores corretamente.
Eu tenho um servidor haproxy com munin-node (2.0.73) funcionando bem para todos os plugins, exceto haproxy_* (haproxy_sessions_frontend, haproxy_bytes_frontend, haproxy_rate_frontend, etc.) que me fornece valores NaN.
Quando testo o plugin localmente no servidor haproxy, obtenho valores relevantes:
# Skipping systemd properties simulation due to required systemd version (999)
# Processing plugin configuration from /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/00-default
# Processing plugin configuration from /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/haproxy
# Processing plugin configuration from /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node
# Setting /rgid/ruid/ to /982/0/
# Setting /egid/euid/ to /982 982/0/
# Setting up environment
# Environment frontend = https_front haproxy-monitoring fe-letsencrypt
# Environment url =;csv;norefresh
# Environment backend = app-main haproxy-monitoring letsencrypt-backend
# About to run '/etc/munin/plugins/haproxy_sessions_frontend'
scurea490f35148af7011c03b86177948440.value 3
smaxea490f35148af7011c03b86177948440.value 25
scur4dc7a8e588e9bb787fe6e39c1c96957a.value 1
smax4dc7a8e588e9bb787fe6e39c1c96957a.value 2
scura92191189150289a82c2c4464351178c.value 0
smaxa92191189150289a82c2c4464351178c.value 5
Quando me conecto remotamente do servidor Munin, é isso que recebo:
bash-4.4$ /usr/share/munin/munin-update --debug --nofork --host servxxx.domain.tld --service haproxy_session_frontend
2023/10/05 17:12:57 [DEBUG] Creating new lock file /var/run/munin/munin-update.lock
2023/10/05 17:12:57 [DEBUG] Creating lock : /var/run/munin/munin-update.lock succeeded
2023/10/05 17:12:57 [INFO]: Starting munin-update
2023/10/05 17:12:58 [DEBUG] Creating new lock file /var/run/munin/munin-datafile.lock
2023/10/05 17:12:58 [DEBUG] Creating lock : /var/run/munin/munin-datafile.lock succeeded
2023/10/05 17:12:58 [DEBUG] Writing state to /var/lib/munin/datafile.storable
2023/10/05 17:12:58 [DEBUG] about to write '/var/lib/munin/datafile.storable'
2023/10/05 17:12:58 [INFO]: Munin-update finished (1.47 sec)
Mas meus arquivos rrd são preenchidos com NaN e no munin-update.log recebo este aviso toda vez que Munin tenta atualizar dados do nó:
2023/10/05 17:15:13 [WARNING] 6 lines had errors while 0 lines were correct (100.00%) in data from 'fetch haproxy_sessions_frontend' on haproxy.captcha/x.x.x.x:4949
Eu tentei quase tudo nesta página mas não tenho ideia. O mesmo plugin está funcionando bem em outro servidor haproxy. A principal diferença é que o outro servidor está rodando Rocky Linux 8 e aquele com problema está rodando Rocky Linux 9
O que posso fazer para que este plugin funcione?