Tenho um servidor Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS executando o Strongswan.
Desde então, descobri que ele está usando o nftables e não o iptables como firewall.
Ao configurar a VPN, consigo me conectar ao cliente, mas não consigo acessar hosts na Internet por endereço IP ou resolver nomes.
Acho que estou esquecendo algumas regras de encaminhamento, mas não tenho certeza de como traduzi-las/aplicá-las em um formato NFT.
Que regra(s) preciso aplicar para que o IPV4 e o IPV6 funcionem para os clientes?
A configuração abaixo começou com um guia wireguard e eu o modifiquei para incluir outros serviços que tenho na máquina. Encontrei algumas referências do openwrt e strongswan e tentei traduzir isso, mas acho que ainda não atingi o objetivo. Agradeço qualquer conselho.
Adicionei-os numa tentativa de passar o tráfego ipsec
pré-roteamento de cadeia
meta ipsec exists ip saddr $IKE_NETS counter accept
cadeia inbound_world
meta l4proto ah accept
meta l4proto esp accept
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
flush ruleset
define DEV_WG = wg0
define DEV_OVPN = tun0
define DEV_VPN = { $DEV_WG, $DEV_OVPN }
define DEV_WORLD = eth0
define IP_OVPN =
define IP_WORLD_V4 = public_v4_ip
define IP_WORLD_V6 = public_v6_ip
define PORT_IKE = { 500, 4500 }
define PORT_WG = 51820
define PORT_OVPN = 1194
define DEV_LOCAL_NETS = { $DEV_VPN }
define DEV_OUT_NETS = { $DEV_WORLD }
#define IKE_NETS = {, fd5a:4c1f:8d73:f583::/64 } <- did not like the Ipv6 address
define IKE_NETS = { }
# `inet` applies to both IPv4 and IPv6.
table inet global {
map port_forwards_tcp_ipv4 {
type ipv4_addr . inet_service : ipv4_addr . inet_service
# lets forward port for our torrent. Our 12345 to 12345 on
elements = { $IP_WORLD_V4 . 12345 : . 12345 }
map port_forwards_tcp_ipv6 {
type ipv6_addr . inet_service : ipv6_addr . inet_service
# lets forward port for our torrent. Our 12345 to 12345 on fdf5:6028:947d:1234::2
elements = { $IP_WORLD_V6 . 12345 : [fdf5:6028:947d:1234::2] . 12345}
map port_forwards_udp_ipv4 {
type ipv4_addr . inet_service : ipv4_addr . inet_service
# lets forward port for our torrent. Our 12345 to 12345 on
elements = { $IP_WORLD_V4 . 12345 : . 12345 }
map port_forwards_udp_ipv6 {
type ipv6_addr . inet_service : ipv6_addr . inet_service
# lets forward port for our torrent. Our 12345 to 12345 on fdf5:6028:947d:1234::2
elements = { $IP_WORLD_V6 . 12345 : [fdf5:6028:947d:1234::2] . 12345}
chain inbound_world {
# accepting ping (icmp-echo-request) for diagnostic purposes.
# However, it also lets probes discover this host is alive.
# This sample accepts them within a certain rate limit:
# icmp type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept
# Allow IPv6 configuration packets
icmpv6 type {nd-neighbor-solicit,nd-neighbor-advert,nd-router-solicit,
packet-too-big,time-exceeded,parameter-problem} accept
# allow SSH
tcp dport { 22 } accept
# http, https
tcp dport 80 accept
tcp dport 443 accept
# smtp, submission, smtps
tcp dport 25 accept
tcp dport 587 accept
tcp dport 465 accept
# pop3, pop3s
tcp dport 110 accept
tcp dport 995 accept
# imap, imaps
tcp dport 143 accept
tcp dport 993 accept
# allow VPN connection
udp dport { $PORT_VPN } accept
meta l4proto ah accept
meta l4proto esp accept
chain inbound_vpn {
# accepting ping (icmp-echo-request) for diagnostic purposes.
icmp type echo-request limit rate 5/second accept
# Allow IPv6 configuration packets
icmpv6 type {nd-neighbor-solicit,nd-neighbor-advert,nd-router-solicit,
packet-too-big,time-exceeded,parameter-problem} accept
# allow DNS and SSH from the private network
tcp dport { 22, 53 } accept
udp dport { 53 } accept
chain inbound {
# drop all traffic by default
type filter hook input priority filter; policy drop;
# Allow traffic from established and related packets, drop invalid
ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop }
# Allow dnat (port forwarding)
ct status dnat accept
# allow loopback traffic, anything else jump to chain for further evaluation
iifname vmap { lo : accept, $DEV_WORLD : jump inbound_world, $DEV_VPN : jump inbound_vpn}
# the rest is dropped by the above policy
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
# Allow traffic from established and related packets, drop invalid
ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop }
# Allow port forwarding
ct status dnat accept
# connections from the internal nets to the out nets are allowed
iifname $DEV_LOCAL_NETS oifname $DEV_OUT_NETS accept
# the rest is dropped by the above policy
meta ipsec exists ip saddr $IKE_NETS counter accept
chain prerouting {
type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
dnat ip addr . port to ip daddr . tcp dport map @port_forwards_tcp_ipv4
dnat ip6 addr . port to ip6 daddr . tcp dport map @port_forwards_tcp_ipv6
dnat ip addr . port to ip daddr . udp dport map @port_forwards_udp_ipv4
dnat ip6 addr . port to ip6 daddr . udp dport map @port_forwards_udp_ipv6
meta ipsec exists ip saddr $IKE_NETS counter accept
chain postrouting {
type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
# Hide IPs from local nets to the internet.
# We are using SNAT because we have static IP and it wil work faster than MASQUERADE
iifname $DEV_LOCAL_NETS oifname $DEV_WORLD snat ip to $IP_WORLD_V4
iifname $DEV_LOCAL_NETS oifname $DEV_WORLD snat ip6 to $IP_WORLD_V6
Piscinas Strongswan:
pools {
primary-pool-ipv4 {
addrs =
dns =,,
split_exclude =
primary-pool-ipv6 {
addrs = fd5a:4c1f:8d73:f583::/64
dns = 2620:fe::fe, 2620:fe::9