我遇到一个奇怪的查询案例,尽管具有良好的匹配索引,但执行时间仍然很长。问题是非聚集索引中前两列的值在所有行中均为 NULL。(对于上下文,在存档旧业务流程中的旧数据后,它就变成了这样)。查询在这两列上使用相等和非 NULL 值的 WHERE 子句,因此 SQL Server 应该很容易使用索引查找+查找来准备一个好的计划,尤其是在查找的数据不存在的情况下,因此估计为 0 或 1 行。
不幸的是,查询对表中的更改非常敏感,甚至对统计信息自动更新或数据倾斜也不敏感。我怀疑这可能是优化器中的一个错误,它无法使用单步统计直方图,其中 NULL 是范围内的唯一值。不过,我不确定我是否探索了所有选项,因此我希望有人看看它。生产服务器是 2017,但我已在 2022 中准备了这个重现,并且这两个版本中的行为是相同的。
生产中的表包含 3500 万行和大约 60 列,并且在 1 小时内更新(主要是插入+更新)大约 3000 行,因此写入流量不多,主要是读取。
use tempdb;
-- The simplest repro of the issue.
-- Just in case you wondered if it's enabled. It's not needed, but included for your reference.
alter database tempdb set auto_create_statistics on;
alter database tempdb set auto_update_statistics on;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (
ID int identity(1,1) not null
primary key clustered,
c2 int null,
c3 varchar(16) null,
c4 int null,
c5 varchar(128) null,
-- in prod there are ~50 more columns
-- The actual prod index has 4 columns with explicit ID PK at the end.
create index ix_test on t1 (c2, c3, c4, ID);
-- The prod table contains ~35 million rows. The issue occurs with much smaller
-- number of rows so I only use 1 million here to not waste your time playing with it.
-- It happens that in prod all rows have NULL values in c2 and c3.
insert into t1 (c4, c5)
select top (1000*1000) crypt_gen_random(2), 'a'
from sys.all_columns ac1, sys.all_columns ac2;
-- At this point the query uses the index (see the plan).
declare @0 int = 100; -- value that may or may not exist
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5 -- and all remaining columns in prod
from t1
where c2 = @0 and c3 = 'x' -- 'x' is a value that may or may not exist
order by c2, c3, c4, ID; -- this is the exact order of the index
-- But with "option (recompile)" it does the full scan of the clustered index
-- and has awful estimates.
declare @0 int = 100;
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5
from t1
where c2 = @0 and c3 = 'x'
order by c2, c3, c4, ID
option (recompile);
-- The same issue also occurs when not using parameters.
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5
from t1
where c2 = 100 and c3 = 'x'
order by c2, c3, c4, ID
option (recompile);
-- Now let's update statistics to be as great as possible.
update statistics t1 with fullscan, maxdop=1;
-- After which it picks the right index and have great estimates with or
-- without "option (recompile)".
declare @0 int = 100;
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5
from t1
where c2 = @0 and c3 = 'x'
order by c2, c3, c4, ID
option (recompile);
-- Insert only a tiny bit of more data. It does not trigger auto update of the
-- statistics.
insert into t1 (c4, c5)
select top (10) 1, crypt_gen_random(2)
from sys.all_columns ac1, sys.all_columns ac2;
-- And now it again does the full scan even when not using the hint nor the
-- @parameter.
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5
from t1
where c2 = 100 and c3 = 'x'
order by c2, c3, c4, ID;
-- If the above gave you seek+lookup, this one will not:
declare @0 int = 100;
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5
from t1
where c2 = @0 and c3 = 'x'
order by c2, c3, c4, ID
option (recompile);
-- When using the index hint it works fine, but has awful estimates.
select ID, c2, c3, c4, c5
from t1
where c2 = 100 and c3 = 'x'
order by c2, c3, c4, ID
option (table hint (t1, index (ix_test)));
-- I would expect it to just always use the index seek + lookup. The query
-- should always be fast. It's easy to determine that there's no data
-- satisfying the filter.
-- When you check the stats histogram, there's none.
declare @stats_id int = (
select stats_id from sys.stats
where [object_id] = object_id('t1') and name = 'ix_test');
select * from sys.dm_db_stats_histogram(object_id('t1'), @stats_id);
/* In SSMS you can see that there's only 1 step:
Statistics for INDEX 'ix_test'.
Name Updated Rows Rows Sampled Steps Density Average Key Length String Index
ix_test Sep 9 2024 4:59PM 1000000 1000000 1 0 8 NO 1000000 0
All Density Average Length Columns
1 0 c2
1 0 c2, c3
1.525879E-05 4 c2, c3, c4
1E-06 8 c2, c3, c4, ID
Histogram Steps
0 1000000 0 1
so the optimizer has the knowledge that all rows have NULL values, and
that there's nothing else in the table, it just is unable to use that
information in some cases.
编辑:这是使用时的查询计划OPTION (RECOMPILE)