Table "public.transactions"
│ Column │ Type │ Collation │ Nullable │ Default │
│ transactions_id │ integer │ │ not null │ nextval('transactions_transactions_id_seq'::regclass) │
│ transactions_datecreated │ timestamp with time zone │ │ not null │ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP │
│ transactions_datemodified │ timestamp with time zone │ │ │ │
│ transactions_usercreated │ text │ │ not null │ CURRENT_USER │
│ transactions_usermodified │ text │ │ not null │ CURRENT_USER │
│ transactions_date │ timestamp with time zone │ │ not null │ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP │
│ transactions_name │ text │ │ not null │ │
│ transactions_description │ text │ │ │ │
│ transactions_amount │ numeric │ │ not null │ │
│ transactions_currencies │ integer │ │ not null │ │
│ transactions_fromaccount │ integer │ │ not null │ │
│ transactions_toaccount │ integer │ │ not null │ │
│ transactions_uuid │ uuid │ │ not null │ gen_random_uuid() │
│ transactions_hyobjects │ integer │ │ │ │
│ transactions_receiver │ integer │ │ │ │
│ transactions_reporter │ integer │ │ │ │
│ transactions_payer │ integer │ │ │ │
│ transactions_receipt │ integer │ │ │ │
│ transactions_locations │ integer │ │ │ │
│ transactions_exchangerates │ integer │ │ │ │
"transactions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (transactions_id)
"transactions_transactions_uuid_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (transactions_uuid)
Foreign-key constraints:
"transactions_transactions_currencies_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_currencies) REFERENCES currencies(currencies_id)
"transactions_transactions_exchangerates_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_exchangerates) REFERENCES exchangerates(exchangerates_id)
"transactions_transactions_fromaccount_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_fromaccount) REFERENCES accounts(accounts_id)
"transactions_transactions_hyobjects_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_hyobjects) REFERENCES hyobjects(hyobjects_id)
"transactions_transactions_locations_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_locations) REFERENCES locations(locations_id)
"transactions_transactions_payer_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_payer) REFERENCES people(people_id)
"transactions_transactions_receipt_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_receipt) REFERENCES hyobjects(hyobjects_id)
"transactions_transactions_receiver_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_receiver) REFERENCES people(people_id)
"transactions_transactions_reporter_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_reporter) REFERENCES people(people_id)
"transactions_transactions_toaccount_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (transactions_toaccount) REFERENCES accounts(accounts_id)
account_update_balance AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON transactions FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION account_update_balance()
insert_username_transactions BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON transactions FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION insert_username('transactions_usermodified')
transactions_moddatetime BEFORE UPDATE ON transactions FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION moddatetime('transactions_datemodified')
transactions_id integer NOT NULL,
transactions_datecreated timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
transactions_datemodified timestamp with time zone,
transactions_usercreated text DEFAULT CURRENT_USER NOT NULL,
transactions_usermodified text DEFAULT CURRENT_USER NOT NULL,
transactions_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
transactions_name text NOT NULL,
transactions_description text,
transactions_amount numeric NOT NULL,
transactions_currencies integer NOT NULL,
transactions_fromaccount integer NOT NULL,
transactions_toaccount integer NOT NULL,
transactions_uuid uuid DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() NOT NULL,
transactions_hyobjects integer,
transactions_receiver integer,
transactions_reporter integer,
transactions_payer integer,
transactions_receipt integer,
transactions_locations integer,
transactions_exchangerates integer
这是我的尝试,但还不起作用的 SQL:
SELECT transactions_id AS "ID",
transactions_date AS "Date",
WHEN transactions_fromaccount = accounts_id
THEN - transactions_amount
WHEN transactions_toaccount = accounts_id
THEN transactions_amount
END AS "Amount",
account_name(transactions_fromaccount) AS "From account",
account_name(transactions_toaccount) AS "To account",
CASE WHEN transactions_fromaccount = accounts_id
ELSE transactions_amount::numeric::text END AS "Debit",
CASE WHEN transactions_toaccount = accounts_id
ELSE transactions_amount::numeric::text END AS "Credit",
OVER (PARTITITON BY transactions_id
ORDER BY transactions_date)
FROM accounts, transactions
WHERE (transactions_fromaccount = accounts_id
OR transactions_toaccount = accounts_id)
AND accounts_id = 65
ORDER BY transactions_date;
使用 PostgreSQL 14.6
ERROR: column "Amount" does not exist
LINE 17: sum("Amount")