或其他方法,从 a 调用Batch file
)以开始移动大文件(在后台运行的批处理文件中),因为同时移动操作似乎会削弱我的计算机,我猜可能是由于 100% HDD 使用率。对驱动器进行碎片整理但仍然如此。
Bricktop's questions
我正在运行批处理脚本来处理一些文件。当它确定当前文件不需要处理时,我想跳过该文件的其余命令并直接移至下一个。如何?Goto :EOF
并且exit /b
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem set input directory (add check for validity)
set "inputDir=%~1"
set "confirmation=false"
for /r "%inputDir%" %%F in (*.*) do (
rem use path to file as keywords
set "words=%%~pF"
rem replace known useless marks with spaces
set "words=!words:\= !"
set "words=!words:_= !"
set "words=!words:,= !"
set "words=!words: = !"
rem remove known useless words
set "words=!words: The = !"
set "words=!words: A = !"
set "words=!words: An = !"
set "words=!words: Video = !"
set "words=!words: New Folder = !"
rem remove word that already exists in the filename
for %%W in (!words!) do echo %%~nF | find /i "%%W" >nul && set "words=!words: %%W = !"
rem replace leading and trailing spaces with brackets
set "words=[!words:~1,-1!]"
rem if all words already included end task for current file
if "!words!"=="[]" exit /b
rem build the new filename
set "newName=%%~nF !words!%%~xF"
rem fix "] [" caused by repeated renaming, causes fusion with non-related bracketed sets, which is fine
set "newName=!newName:] [= !"
rem task for displaying the name change for confirmation
if /i not "%confirmation%"=="yes" echo old "%%F" && echo new "!newName!"
rem task for doing the actual rename if confirmed
if /i "%confirmation%"=="yes" echo ren "%%~nxF" "!newName!" & echo ren "%%F" "!newName!"
rem fails to rename files with ! mark in the filename. no other trouble, just won't rename those. error: the syntax of the command is incorrect
rem if coming from second (completed) run then exit
if /i "%confirmation%"=="yes" exit /b
rem ask for confirmation to run again for real
set /p confirmation="confirm you want to perform all these rename tasks (type yes or no)?: "
if /i not "%confirmation%"=="yes" echo confirmation denied
if /i "%confirmation%"=="yes" goto proceed
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem set input directory (add check for validity)
set "inputDir=%~1"
set "confirmation=false"
for /r "%inputDir%" %%F in (*.*) do (
rem use path to file as keywords
set "words=%%~pF"
rem replace known useless marks with spaces
set "words=!words:\= !"
set "words=!words:_= !"
set "words=!words:,= !"
set "words=!words: = !"
rem remove known useless words
set "words=!words: The = !"
set "words=!words: A = !"
set "words=!words: An = !"
set "words=!words: Video = !"
set "words=!words: New Folder = !"
rem remove word that already exists in the filename
for %%W in (!words!) do echo %%~nF | find /i "%%W" >nul && set "words=!words: %%W = !"
rem replace leading and trailing spaces with brackets
set "words=[!words:~1,-1!]"
rem if all words not already included in the filename do
if not "!words!"=="[]" (
rem build the new filename
set "newName=%%~nF !words!%%~xF"
rem fix "] [" caused by repeated renaming, causes fusion with non-related bracketed sets, which is fine
set "newName=!newName:] [= !"
rem task for displaying the name change for confirmation
if /i not "%confirmation%"=="yes" echo old "%%F" && echo new "!newName!"
rem task for doing the actual rename if confirmed
if /i "%confirmation%"=="yes" echo ren "%%~nxF" "!newName!" & echo ren "%%F" "!newName!"
rem fails to rename files with ! mark in the filename. no other trouble, just won't rename those. error: the syntax of the command is incorrect
rem if coming from second (completed) run then exit
if /i "%confirmation%"=="yes" exit /b
rem ask for confirmation to run again for real
set /p confirmation="confirm you want to perform all these rename tasks (type yes or no)?: "
if /i not "%confirmation%"=="yes" echo confirmation denied
if /i "%confirmation%"=="yes" goto proceed
每个文件的 txt 版本every file.mkv.txt
setLocal enableDelayedExpansion
:: adder fails with filenames with ampersand "&". investigate
for /f "delims=" %%v in ('dir "%folder%\%wildcards%" /b /s /a-d 2^>nul') do (
if not exist "c:%%~pv" mkdir "c:%%~pv"
if not exist "c:%%~pnxv.txt" for /f "usebackq tokens=2 delims=," %%i in ('"%ffprobe%" -v quiet -show_entries "format=duration" -of csv "%%v"') do (
rem record path-to-file/duration/size into mirror files
echo %%v/%%i/%%~zv>"c:%%~pnxv.txt"
的部分中的逗号有关。看起来我需要使用逗号作为分隔符,因为持续时间的格式类似于. 自从我开始需要变量的引号(ffprobe.exe 的路径在哪里)以来,这停止了工作。ffprobe
我有一种方法可以从任何驱动器中找到一个 exe 文件,而无需使用 %path%,但我需要将其设置为文件路径变量,而不仅仅是显示。
for %i in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do @%i: 2>nul && dir /s ffprobe.exe
--- 有关其他问题的更多信息 ---
for %%d in (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do (
@%%d: 2>nul && for /f "usebackq" %%f in (`dir /s /b ffprobe.exe`) do set "probe=%%f" && goto done
我有高端电脑,但无法流畅播放视频。我有 Intel Core i7 8700K、16gb RAM 和 GeForce GTX 1080。我的 PC 通过 DisplayPort 到 HDMI 电缆连接到 LG 75UM7110 电视。我必须使用这条电缆,因为这是在这个旧 GPU 上工作的唯一端口。电视已设置为 PC 使用的最大速度。这台机器我用了很长时间,播放非常流畅,即使是8k大部分时间也很流畅。最近发生的变化是电视和全新的 Windows 10 构建安装(以及 MPC-HC 版本更新)。
对于软件播放器,我的选择是 MPC-HC,并且不会为替代播放器提供想法。播放器设置为使用硬件加速(Playing [H/W]
播放时显示,表示DXVA加速成功)。我在 HDD 上播放视频(也测试了 3500mb/s SSD)。视频流畅几秒钟,然后稍微滞后,重复。分辨率、高或低比特率或旧/新编解码器(从 XviD 到 x265)之间似乎没有任何区别。没有一个运行顺利,但很难判断滞后量是否不同。滞后不会延伸到玩游戏。在 4k x265 播放和大量空闲程序期间,我的 CPU 保持在 6-8%(MPC-HC 使用其中的 31-33%),我的 HDD 保持在 0-2%,GPU 保持在 12%。MPC-HC 内存使用量稳定在 326-328mb。
我的一个朋友用他自己的电缆将他的笔记本电脑连接到我的 LG 电视,复制到另一个 HDMI 端口。问题没有出现在他的笔记本电脑屏幕上,只是重复输出到电视上。这些是我的一些电视设置:
- 图片模式:游戏
- 锐度:0
- 动态对比度:关闭
- 超分辨率:关闭
- 眼睛舒适模式:关闭
- 节能:关
- HDMI 超高清深色:关闭
- 人工智能推荐:关闭