我正在尝试创建一个在 Calc 中使用的 LibreOffice Basic 宏,当在打开的电子表格文件中调用该宏时,将打开包含两个范围的第二个电子表格文件(第一个范围包含带有要搜索的正则表达式的单元格,第二个范围包含替换内容) text)然后将在调用它的工作表中搜索搜索范围内的所有项目,并将工作表中找到的任何项目替换为相应的替换单元格(包括替换单元格的格式)。我向 ChatGPT 寻求帮助,以下是它提供的一般内容,以及我对确定范围大小的逻辑所做的一些更正。
Sub SearchAndReplaceItems
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSearchReplaceDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oSearchReplaceSheet As Object
Dim oSearchDescriptor As Object
Dim oSearchRange As Object
Dim oReplaceDescriptor As Object
Dim oCell As Object
Dim oFound As Object
Dim nSearchColumn As Integer
Dim nReplaceColumn As Integer
Dim nLastRow As Integer
' Get the current document
oDoc = ThisComponent
' Specify the path to the Corrections spreadsheet
Dim sSearchReplaceFilePath As String
sSearchReplaceFilePath = "C:\Users\One\Info\Corrections.ods"
' Open the Corrections spreadsheet
oSearchReplaceDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(ConvertToURL(sSearchReplaceFilePath), "_blank", 0, Array())
oSearchReplaceSheet = oSearchReplaceDoc.Sheets(0)
' Specify the column numbers for search and replace text
nSearchColumn = 1 ' Assuming search text is in column A
nReplaceColumn = 2 ' Assuming replace text is in column B
' Get the range for the search regular expressions
oSearchRange = oSearchReplaceDoc.Sheets(0).getCellRangeByName("SearchRegExps")
' Get the last row with data in the SearchRegExps range
nLastRow = oSearchRange.Rows.getCount()
' Loop through each row History Item Corrections sheet
For i = 1 To nLastRow
' Get search and replace values from the current row
Dim sSearchText As String
Dim sReplaceText As String
sSearchText = oSearchReplaceSheet.getCellByPosition(nSearchColumn - 1, i).getString()
sReplaceText = oSearchReplaceSheet.getCellByPosition(nReplaceColumn - 1, i).getString()
' Create search and replace descriptors
oSearchDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
oSearchDescriptor.SearchString = sSearchText
oReplaceDescriptor = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor()
oReplaceDescriptor.ReplaceString = sReplaceText
' Execute the search
oFound = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor()
oFound = oDoc.findFirst(oSearchDescriptor)
' Replace each occurrence found
Do While Not IsNull(oFound)
oCell = oFound.Cell
' Copy formatting from replace cell to the found cell
CopyCellFormatting(oCell, oFound.Cell)
' Find the next occurrence
oFound = oDoc.findNext(oFound)
Next i
' Close the search and replace document
End Sub
Sub CopyCellFormatting(oSourceCell, oTargetCell)
' Copy character formatting
oTargetCell.CharFontName = oSourceCell.CharFontName
oTargetCell.CharHeight = oSourceCell.CharHeight
oTargetCell.CharWeight = oSourceCell.CharWeight
oFound.Cell.CharAutoKerning = oCell.CharAutoKerning
oFound.Cell.CharKerning = oCell.CharKerning
oFound.Cell.CharScaleWidth = oCell.CharScaleWidth
' Copy border formatting
oTargetCell.BottomBorder = oSourceCell.BottomBorder
oTargetCell.TopBorder = oSourceCell.TopBorder
oTargetCell.LeftBorder = oSourceCell.LeftBorder
oTargetCell.RightBorder = oSourceCell.RightBorder
End Sub
发生在宏的第 50 行,即:
oSearchDescriptor = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
我理解对象 oDoc(调用宏的文档)没有名为 createSearchDescriptor 的属性或方法,但我不知道足够的 LibreOffice Basic 来确定它应该在这里做什么,以便它能够工作。我浏览了 Andrew Pitonyak 的书“OpenOffice.org 的有用宏信息”和他的“OpenOffice.org 宏解释”书,但没有在其中找到任何有关使用 SearchDescriptors 的内容。
我怀疑如果第 53 行的语句会发生类似的错误
oReplaceDescriptor = oDoc.createReplaceDescriptor()