我有一台Lenovo L480 20LS002YMX,开机时突然报错:
0188: Invalid RFID Serialization Information Area.
Press Esc to continue or F1 to enter Setup.
Message: 0188: Invalid RFID Serialization Information Area.
Solution: The EEPROM checksum is not correct (block # 0 and 1). The system board should be replaced, and the box serial number needs to be reinstalled. Have the computer serviced.
我在 BIOS 中没有禁用哔声的选项(仅禁用密码哔声和键盘哔声 - 它们现在都已禁用)。
顺便说一句,我正在使用 Windows 10 和 Ubuntu 18.04 运行双启动