我将 3.5 毫米插孔插入 USB-c适配器,然后插入 PC。
它被识别为耳机,而我的内部麦克风被识别为麦克风。如何切换它以使插入的 USB-c 被识别为麦克风而不是耳机?
1- 将联想 ThinkPad p52 从制造商的网站更新为最新的所有
2-我有最新的 Windows 更新
5- 从 USB-C 适配器上拔下 3.5 毫米插孔麦克风并插入分配器,然后直接插入 PC 的 3.5 毫米。什么都没有改变,PC 扬声器变成了 PC,内部麦克风仍然是麦克风。
6- 安装了 r2.81 ,在我重新启动 PC 后会导致以下错误。所以我卸载 2.81 并安装 r2.82。
7 - 安装r 2.82 - 回到第一格。这是 Realtek 文件夹的样子
唯一有效的时候是我将麦克风插孔插入 HP Elite 扩展坞插孔,然后将扩展坞的 USB-c 插入联想 USB-c。然后它将其识别为麦克风。
在下图中,最右边是麦克风,中间是分配器,最左边是 USB-C 适配器。我正在尝试这两种不同的方法,因为我认为笔记本电脑上的插孔可能坏了。
How can I use the USB-C adapter or the lenovo built-in headset with the splitter to let the PC recognize its a microphone and not a headphone?
Use your audio splitter, and connect both the mic AND some headphones to it. Connecting only the mic will never work.
Why? Your audio interface is not suicidal.
(On some older hardware, or when using a Mac, you might still get some strange audio effects caused by basic hardware incompatibility issues. I won't go into this.)
This is all about electric circuitry. It can't be resolved by software. Jack connectors are 'dumb', and there's no possible way your mic can tell your PC "I'm a microphone".
3.5mm Jack connectors come in two basic flavours: four-pin and three-pin, as on the below image. (OMTP four-pin connectors have mic and ground inverted in respect to CTIA. Some old phones use OMTP)
A four-pin jack plug, as on your PC and USB-Adaptor, for obvious reasons needs to be able to handle BOTH CTIA-Headsets as well as normal Headphones. It can't handle just a microphone, though.
Headphones as well as Mics are electric circuits, with the current flowing from left/right/mic connector to the grounds connector.
As you can deduct from the image, a normal headphone connector will bridge pin 3 & 4 with its ground connector. If the mic pin would be active while you plug-in a headphone, this would cause a short circuit between pin 3 & 4, immediately frying your audio device and probably taking down your whole machine.
For this reason, for the mic pin to be activated, two conditions must be met:
Condition 2 is not sufficient: a defective headphone could still fry out the device.
一旦满足这两个条件,麦克风引脚就会被激活,您的设备驱动程序将告诉 Windows 您的操作系统已连接麦克风。但是你的设备不可能只激活麦克风引脚,而左右引脚是不活动的:你的设备不是自杀的。
如果您使用音频分配器但只连接麦克风,您的设备仍然会说它是(有缺陷的)耳机,因为它检测到插入的连接器,但不满足条件 1:您也需要插入耳机,所以您的设备将检测到左右电路已闭合。