As an example to see how this works, the mov instructions in octal are:
210 xrm mov Eb, Rb
211 xrm mov Ew, Rw
212 xrm mov Rb, Eb
213 xrm mov Rw, Ew
214 xsm mov Ew, SR
216 xsm mov SR, Ew
The meanings of the octal digits (x, m, r, s) and their correspondence to the
operands (Eb, Ew, Rb, Rw, SR) are the following:
The digit r (0-7) encodes the register operand as follows:
REGISTER (r): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rb = Byte-sized register AL CL DL BL AH CH DL BH
Rw = Word-sized register AX CX DX BX SP BP SI DI
为什么第 6 位数字是 RbDL
当我问这个问题时,是否有一个更新的八进制解释,用于解释 8086 英特尔操作码,而这个解释不是在90年代写成的?