(其形式为class VectorSpace t (n :: Nat) a where
:: ( forall m. KnownNat m
, forall n. KnownNat n
, Field a
, VectorSpace t m a
, VectorSpace t n a
=> (forall k b. t k b -> Int -> b) -- ^ Indexing function
-> t m (t n a) -- ^ Matrix
-> t m (t n a) -- ^ Resultant row-echelon matrix
rowEchelon indexFunc = loop 0 0
loop h k matrix
| h >= mLen || k >= nLen = matrix
| otherwise = undefined
mLen = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy m)
nLen = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy n)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
• Illegal polymorphic type: forall (m1 :: Nat). KnownNat m1
A constraint must be a monotype
• In the type signature:
rowEchelon :: (forall m. KnownNat m,
forall n. KnownNat n,
Field a,
VectorSpace t m a,
VectorSpace t n a) =>
-- | Indexing function
(forall k b. t k b -> Int -> b)
-> -- | Matrix
t m (t n a)
-> -- | Resultant row-echelon matrix
t m (t n a)
• Perhaps you intended to use QuantifiedConstraints (typecheck)
会导致在forall m. KnownNat m
和中出现以下警告forall n. KnownNat n
This binding for ‘[m or n depending on the line]’ shadows the existing binding
• Couldn't match kind ‘*’ with ‘GHC.Num.Natural.Natural’
When matching types
proxy0 :: Nat -> *
Proxy :: * -> *
Expected: proxy0 [n1 or n2]
Actual: Proxy n0
• In the first argument of ‘natVal’, namely ‘(Proxy :: Proxy [m or n])’
In the expression: natVal (Proxy :: Proxy [m or n])
In an equation for ‘nLen’: nLen = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy [m or n]) (typecheck -Wdeferred-type-errors)