我正在创建一个 lisp 程序来查找无向图中的非循环路径,并将该路径返回给用户。该路径不一定需要是最短路径。我的完整代码如下:
(defvar graph '((A B C)
(B A C)
(C A B D)
(D C)
(defun getneighbours (graph node) ;Gets neighbors of the given node.
(if (assoc node graph)
(cdr (assoc node graph))
(defun acyclicpath (graph start goal)
(setq visited '()) ;Reset the returnpath and visited variables for the next search.
(setq returnpath '())
(if (dfswithpath graph start goal) ;Path found reverse path and return.
(reverse 'returnpath)
(defun dfswithpath (graph node goal)
(if (equal node goal) ;Goal reached return true.
(push node returnpath)
(push node visited) ;Update visited list.
(dolist (neighbour (getneighbours graph node)) ;Call dfs on each neighbour of node if not already visited.
(if (not (member neighbour visited))
(if (dfswithpath graph neighbour goal)
(push node returnpath)
nil ;No path found
(print (acyclicpath graph 'A 'C))
运行此代码会导致 dfswithpath 函数始终返回 nil 值。我已将问题范围缩小到 dolist 函数中的递归 dfswithpath 调用。看起来它永远不会解析为 t,因此嵌套的推送函数永远不会被调用。但是,我不明白为什么会这样。