为了释放磁盘空间,我愚蠢地运行了以下命令sudo apt purge snapd
。现在 Firefox 等一大堆应用程序都无法正常工作:
firefox &
Command '/usr/bin/firefox' requires the firefox snap to be installed.
Please install it with:
snap install firefox
但当我尝试安装时系统报告 Firefox 已安装
sudo snap install firefox
snap "firefox" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'
我认为 Snap 的问题更大,因为我使用 Skype 时也遇到了同样的问题
$skype &
cannot locate base snap core18: No such file or directory
$ sudo snap install skype
snap "skype" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'