Even if the current system does not work, you can probably copy or recover many or all of your personal files, when you boot from another drive, for example an Ubuntu live drive (USB pendrive or DVD disk).
With a good backup routine you will have peace of mind, even if the drive crashes physically.
Maybe your system drive or the file system(s) of your Ubuntu is damaged. You can check that and maybe repair the file system(s) according to this link.
A complete re-installation of Ubuntu is much faster than the corresponding installation of Windows. Re-install into
the same partition(s) as before or
different partition(s) or
the whole drive (if you no longer want to dual boot or multi boot).
A limited re-installation of Ubuntu can make things easier.
The most typical case is to preserve the /home directory, easiest using a separate 'home' partition.
Maybe you want to preserve some system files, that you think are good, from the /etc directory tree.
There are already good and detailed answers here describing re-installation.
Fresh installation
If there are problems, a fresh installation can be a good alternative to 'factory reset'.
The [re-]installation can be to the original version and flavour of Ubuntu, but it can also be to new version or community flavour, a fresh installation. Please notice that you should stay with the same flavour of Ubuntu and use the same userIDs and names, if you want to keep /home.
Compared to upgrading with do-release-upgrade it is often a reliable and efficient method to install a newer version, for example the most current 'first point release', 16.04.1 LTS, 18.04.1 LTS ... with long time support.
But sometimes there are problems with hardware drivers, so you had better 'Try Ubuntu without installing', try live from a USB drive or DVD disk, before installing a newer version.
Using the tool 'Resetter' is described in an answer here.
Make an early backup. You may need it in the future
Think ahead and backup your Ubuntu system when it is new (or maybe the whole drive if a dual boot system). There are several backup tools. A full backup can be a cloned [compressed] image of the whole drive made with
When you want to reset your system, restore it using this backup.
Restore points or snapshots
You can create several backups and use them as possible 'restore points' or 'snapshots' of the system, maybe once or twice per year.
我只列出了一些(你也可以安装 kUbuntu,但仅仅获得一个能够制作安装盘的桌面可能有点矫枉过正)。
从命令行下载 Ubuntu
(将 url 更改为您想要的版本。请参阅http://releases.ubuntu.com和下面的目录以获取您需要的内容)。它将显示如下内容:
然后将 ISO“dd”到 USB 闪存驱动器。请特别注意设备名称。如果你搞砸了,你可以覆盖你当前的安装......我倾向于使用
以及新创建的 USB ISO 的图像:
来自恢复出厂设置 - 维基百科:
这可以通过重新安装操作系统或使用恢复出厂设置选项来实现。但是在 Linux 中,没有内置的恢复出厂设置选项。因此,需要寻找可以实现上述目标的替代方案。
虽然重新安装操作系统是删除用户、用户文件和用户应用程序的首选方法,但它有些繁琐。有一个名为Resetter的工具可以使“重置 Ubuntu”变得更容易,并且可以执行出厂重置通常执行的操作。
Resetter是一种用于将 Ubuntu 安装重置为出厂默认设置的工具。Ubuntu系统会回到第一次安装时的状态。它会找到所有在 Ubuntu 全新安装后安装的应用程序并删除它们。不仅是应用程序,它还会删除用户。删除用户也意味着删除他们的家,这意味着所有用户文件和配置。您不必从头开始安装所有内容。只需将您的 Ubuntu 重置为其出厂默认设置并开始安装其他所有内容。
从GitHub下载最新版本的Resetter和add-apt-key_versionX.deb或使用直接下载。在发布此答案时,v3.0.0 是最新版本。要使用使用下载:
安装下载的 .deb包:
从 Dash 打开 Resetter 并进行身份验证。执行管理任务需要身份验证。
要重置 Ubuntu,请单击自动重置。但是,如果您想一次删除多个包,请单击自定义重置。
如果您的 Ubuntu 启动到 TTY 模式(命令行/控制台模式),请使用新用户的凭据登录并再次安装桌面环境。
目录安装 Ubuntu。这是进行谷歌搜索时的常见结果。这个答案是关于重新安装 Ubuntu 和保留
包含您的文件和设置的文件夹如何重新安装 Ubuntu
由于 Hardy,可以在不丢失文件夹内容的情况下重新安装 Ubuntu
(该文件夹包含程序设置、互联网书签、电子邮件和所有文档、音乐、视频和其他用户文件)。即使 /home 不在单独的分区上也可以这样做(如果您最初安装 Ubuntu 时没有手动将其分开,则默认情况下就是这种情况)。本教程也可用于升级 Ubuntu(例如,从 12.04 live-CD 升级到 11.04 -> 12.04)。在做任何事情之前
此操作不应损坏您的文档,但为了安全起见,请将您的文档和设置(包括 /home 隐藏文件)备份到外部磁盘或 DVD 上。(例如通过 CloneZilla)注意:一些特殊的应用程序设置可能位于系统文件夹中,例如 LAMP,请参阅下面的主题。
运行 Ubuntu 安装程序
有两种可能性 - 选择适合安装程序显示的一种:
创建实时 USB
Ubuntu 没有标准的出厂重置
Even if the current system does not work, you can probably copy or recover many or all of your personal files, when you boot from another drive, for example an Ubuntu live drive (USB pendrive or DVD disk).
With a good backup routine you will have peace of mind, even if the drive crashes physically.
Maybe your system drive or the file system(s) of your Ubuntu is damaged. You can check that and maybe repair the file system(s) according to this link.
A complete re-installation of Ubuntu is much faster than the corresponding installation of Windows. Re-install into
A limited re-installation of Ubuntu can make things easier.
directory, easiest using a separate 'home' partition./etc
directory tree.There are already good and detailed answers here describing re-installation.
Fresh installation
If there are problems, a fresh installation can be a good alternative to 'factory reset'.
The [re-]installation can be to the original version and flavour of Ubuntu, but it can also be to new version or community flavour, a fresh installation. Please notice that you should stay with the same flavour of Ubuntu and use the same userIDs and names, if you want to keep
.Compared to upgrading with
it is often a reliable and efficient method to install a newer version, for example the most current 'first point release', 16.04.1 LTS, 18.04.1 LTS ... with long time support.But sometimes there are problems with hardware drivers, so you had better 'Try Ubuntu without installing', try live from a USB drive or DVD disk, before installing a newer version.
Make an early backup. You may need it in the future
Think ahead and backup your Ubuntu system when it is new (or maybe the whole drive if a dual boot system). There are several backup tools. A full backup can be a cloned [compressed] image of the whole drive made with Clonezilla.
When you want to reset your system, restore it using this backup.
Restore points or snapshots
You can create several backups and use them as possible 'restore points' or 'snapshots' of the system, maybe once or twice per year.