home-expanded: Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded (Expanded) or not (Not Expanded).
Extra tip for changing dash/launcher color
A new feature for Unity in 11.10 is the ability to change the color of the dash/launcher to match the user's current wallpaper. To take advantage of this, simply set a new wallpaper for your desktop, and the color will change automatically to match.
Note that more advanced control over the dash/launcher color (i.e., setting them to separate or arbitrary colors regardless of the wallpaper chosen) is currently not possible...at least not through an option. The dash/launcher color can actually be arbitrarily set by using an image editor to change the center pixels of your chosen wallpaper to the desired color. (See the OMG! Ubuntu article documenting this here.)
Note: In previous answers, the utility CCSM was extensively used as the primary configuration tool. The use of this tool is strongly not recommended and can break your desktop. In this answer, CCSM is only used where the other tools do not offer the configuration options discussed.
Note that some changes only appear after logging out and in again (i.e. restarting X).
User Interface
Hit the Dash and search for appearance
From the Appearance tab you can configure the:
size of the launcher icons
From the Behaviour tab you can configure the:
how to invoke the launcher by moving the mouse (hot-spot) - either left-side of the screen or the top-left corner
how quickly the launcher is revealed - lower the slide bar, the longer the mouse needs to be at the hot-spot to be revealed.
Hit Alt+F2 and type myunity and hit enter.
You can now configure quite a few different settings, like the launcher behavior, dash configuration, panel transparency, desktop icons and various font settings.
color - Launcher background color
size - Launcher icon size
Transparency - Background transparency of the launcher
Show devices - Show removable USB drives as an icon
Behavior - How the launcher interacts with windows
Fixed - The launcher will never hide.
Hidden - The launcher will hide when a window would overlay it.
Display - What effect the launcher should use when hiding i.e. to fade away or to slide (or both)
Backlights - Style of icon background
Icons On - the icon back light will always be on.
Active Icons On - the icon back light will be on as long as the application is running.
Icons Off - No backlights on icons
Only Icons Edge - the edge illumination will be on as long as the application is running.
Launcher Quicklists
This option allows you to create quicklists - quicklists are a submenu that are displayed when you right-click a launcher icon.
For example - shutter
Display available apps - control whether similar applications from the software center should be displayed
Display recent apps - control whether applications you have recently used should be displayed
Blur - how or if Dash background is displayed - default is to blur the background
Off - No Blur
Smart - Active Blur - This means it actively blurs what is behind it.
On - snapshot of the desktop that doesn't get updated (in cases where the drivers can't handle it)
Dash Size - whether the dash shows in netbook or desktop style depending on the screen resolution
Transparency - how transparent the top-panel should be displayed
Transparency Maximized Toggle - if you are using a transparent top-panel this toggle controls whether an application that is maximised has its decoration also displayed transparently or in the theme colour.
This tab determines whether the icons shown in the image appears on the desktop
Window animation - whether the launch and minimize window effect is displayed or not
v desktop & h desktop - controls the number of vertical and horizontal workspaces (default 2x2)
Font antialiasing - how smooth the fonts are displayed
Font hinting - adjust the display of the outline font
System/Document/Desktop/Window Title/Monospace - change the font for the desktop type
Any themes that you have installed or manually installed (/usr/share/themes or ~/.themes) together with manually installed icons (/usr/share/icons or ~/.icons) can be chosen.
Configuration Editor (dconf-editor)
Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through MyUnity described above.
Open up the Configuration Editor by pressing Alt + F2 and typing dconf-editor
Navigate to Desktop -> Unity to find the options below:
home-expanded - Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded (Expanded) or not (Not Expanded).
sub-key Dash - home-lens-ordering - List of lens ids specifying how lenses should be ordered in the Dash home screen.
sub-key Devices - favorites - List of device uuid for favorites on the launcher.
sub-key Launcher - favorites - list of icons (their .desktop names) shown by default on the launcher
sub-key Panel - systray-whitelist - List of client names, resource classes or wm classes to allow in the Panel's systray implementation. A value of [All] will allow any system-tray based application that is not by default a indicator to be displayed
CompizConfig Settings Manager
Note that ccsm is deprecated after 11.10; the same settings are available through gconf-editor in a somewhat safer though less intuitive interface. The settings below can be found in by selecting /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options in the left-hand panel.
Hit Alt+F2 and type ccsm and hit enter.
Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through MyUnity described above.
On the Behaviour tab you can configure:
1. The key to invoke the HUD - Head Up Display - by default this is the Alt key.
The key to show the launcher which by default is the Super key. This will also affect the key used to show the dash (if tapped) and the shortcuts shown when keeping Super pressed.
The key to put keyboard-focus on the launcher so you can navigate using your keyboard (default Alt + F1).
The key to open a Search Command dash where you can enter a command name you want to execute. (dafault Alt + F2).
The key to open the first panel menu (default F10).
The key to define the Application switcher (default Super+Tab
The key to define the Reverse the Application switcher (default Shift+Super+Tab
On the Switcher Tab:
Automatically grid windows on timer in switcher: Turn this off if you want don't want to automatically expand multiple windows in alt-tab.
Bias alt-tab sorting to prefer windows on the current viewport: Check this if you want alt tab to show only applications in your current workspace, or uncheck it to show all open applications regardless of which workspace they're on.
Show minimized windows in switcher: Turn this off if you don't want minimized windows appearing in the switcher
On the Experimental tab (might change hence the name):
The Launch Animation sets how the icons are animated.
None - no animation will be shown.
Pulse Until Running - the icon's back light will pulse till it loads up.
Blink - the icon's back light will blink.
The Urgent Animation sets how an icon will inform you of something important.
None - no animation.
Pulse - it will pulse.
Wiggle - it will wiggle.
Launcher Reveal Pressure - amount of mouse pressure required to reveal the launcher when the mouse is located at the launcher hot-spot (Decreasing this value causes the launcher to reveal with very light touch of the cursor at the hot-spot or left-side, otherwise you have to travel the cursor a little way)
Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure - amount of mouse pressure required to push into the next monitor
Pressure Decay Rate - the rate at which the mouse pressure decays
Edge Stop Velocity - the maximum velocity at which the mouse will still be stopped
Fade on bfb and Slide - fades based on the position of your cursor in the bfb (big funny button - the one in the top left of your launcher with the Ubuntu circle of friends on it) and slides.
Slide only - it will only slide.
Fade only - it will only fade.
Fade and Slide - it will fade and slide.
The Automaximize value sets the minimum value to trigger automaximize.
Enable Shortcut Hints Overlay - pressing and holding the Super key displays the keyboard shortcuts overlay. This can be disabled through this setting.
Menus Fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-in animation takes to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus Fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-out animation to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus discovery duration - number of seconds the global menu should display when an application is first started
Menus discovery fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-in animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Menus discovery fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-out animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Note 1: In previous answers, the utility CCSM was extensively used as the primary configuration tool. The use of this tool is strongly not recommended and can break your desktop. In this answer, CCSM is only used where the other tools do not offer the configuration options discussed.
Note 2: Whilst Ubuntu Tweak is not in the official repositories, this answer makes extensive use of this GUI tool since the favoured tool - MyUnity was dropped from the 12.10 repositories due to stability issues.
Note that some changes only appear after logging out and in again (i.e. restarting X).
User Interface
Hit the Dash and search for appearance
From the Appearance tab you can configure the:
size of the launcher icons
From the Behaviour tab you can configure the:
how to invoke the launcher by moving the mouse (hot-spot) - either left-side of the screen or the top-left corner
how quickly the launcher is revealed - lower the slide bar, the longer the mouse needs to be at the hot-spot to be revealed.
Ubuntu Tweak
Hit Alt+F2 and type ubuntu-tweak and hit enter or choose the Ubuntu-tweak icon found in the Session Settings
You can now configure quite a few different settings, like the Fonts, Themes, Unity tweaks, Window tweaks, Workspace settings, Indicator Session Tweaks
antialiasing - how smooth the fonts are displayed
hinting - adjust the display of the outline font
font options - change the font for the desktop type
Text scaling factor - scale the text font size by the given value.
Any themes that you have installed or manually installed (/usr/share/themes or ~/.themes) together with manually installed icons (/usr/share/icons or ~/.icons) can be chosen.
Unity Tweaks
HUD - Turn the Head-Up-Display on/off
shortcut hints overlay - turn on/off the desktop short cuts display shown when pressing and holding Super
Web Apps integration - turn on/off the HUD integration with various Web Apps enabled sites such as Google Apps, Facebook & Twitter
*Disable "Show Desktop" in the switcher - hide the desktop icon displayed when Alt+Tab
Launcher opacity - controls the transparency of the launcher icons
Launcher icon backlight - controls the backlights of the launcher icons
Dash size - controls whether the dash should open fullscreen or not for smaller display resolution screens
Blur type - controls whether the dash should blur the background contents
Panel opacitity - transparency of the top panel
Panel opacity for maximized windows - respect the transparency settings of the panel for maximized windows
Window tweaks
Window control button position - display the window close/minimize/maximize buttons on the left or right side of the window
"Close" button only - only show a close button
titlebar actions - what happens when performing various mouse actions on the title-bar
Workspace settings
Edge trigger delay (ms) - delay in milliseconds before window is pushed into the next workspace
Horizontal workspace - number of horizontally displayed workspaces
Vertical workspace - number of vertically displayed workspaced
Indicator Session Tweaks
Various tweaks as shown in the image to control the session indicator
Configuration Editor (dconf-editor)
Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through Ubuntu-Tweak described above.
Open up the Configuration Editor by pressing Alt + F2 and typing dconf-editor
Navigate to com - canonical - unity to find the options below:
home-expanded - Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded (Expanded) or not (Not Expanded).
minimize-count - number of times a window has been minimized - this adjusts the animation speed by making the minimize action progressively faster the more it is used
minimize-fast-duration - This is the duration that the minimize animation will have when it has been used more than an number of times equal minimize-speed-threshold.
minimize-slow-duration - This is the duration that the minimize animation will have when it has never been used.
minimize-speed-threshold - The speed of the minimize animation will progressively get faster as minimize-count approaches this value.
sub-key Dash - home-lens-ordering - List of lens ids specifying how lenses should be ordered in the Dash home screen.
sub-key Devices - favorites - List of device uuid for favorites on the launcher.
sub-key Launcher - favorites - list of icons (their .desktop names) shown by default on the launcher
sub-key lenses - remote-content-search - "all" is to enable the supported default lens to search from remote and commercial sources. "none" will indicate the lenses to not perform that remote search at all.
sub-key Panel - systray-whitelist - List of client names, resource classes or wm classes to allow in the Panel's systray implementation. A value of [All] will allow any system-tray based application that is not by default a indicator to be displayed
sub-key webapps - allowed-domains - This key indicates which web applications (by domain) are allowed to access Unity integration features, such as Sound Menu, Messaging Indicator, etc...
dontask-domains - This key indicates web applications which the user has blacklisted from accessing Unity integration features.
index-update-time - Frequency (in seconds per job) with which unity-webapps-service will spawn the ubuntu-webapps-update-index job.
integration-allowed - Specifies if prompting for unity integration is enabled or not
preauthorized-domains - A list of domains which are preauthorized to access Unity Integration.
Navigate to desktop - unity - lenses - applications to find the options below:
display-available-apps - Display Apps Available for Download in the Applications lens.
display-recent-apps - Display Recently Used apps in the Applications lens.
use-locate - Use locate during searches to make sure the lens is able to find most of their files even it they're not logged by Zeitgeist.
CompizConfig Settings Manager
Hit Alt+F2 and type ccsm and hit enter.
Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through Ubuntu-Tweak or dconf-editor described above.
On the Behaviour tab you can configure:
1. The key to invoke the HUD - Head Up Display - by default this is the Alt key.
The key to show the launcher which by default is the Super key. This will also affect the key used to show the dash (if tapped) and the shortcuts shown when keeping Super pressed.
The key to put keyboard-focus on the launcher so you can navigate using your keyboard (default Alt + F1).
The key to open a Search Command dash where you can enter a command name you want to execute. (dafault Alt + F2).
The key to open the first panel menu (default F10).
The key to define the Application switcher (default Super+Tab
The key to define the Reverse the Application switcher (default Shift+Super+Tab
On the Switcher Tab:
Automatically grid windows on timer in switcher: Turn this off if you want don't want to automatically expand multiple windows in alt-tab.
Bias alt-tab sorting to prefer windows on the current viewport: Check this if you want alt tab to show only applications in your current workspace, or uncheck it to show all open applications regardless of which workspace they're on.
Show minimized windows in switcher: Turn this off if you don't want minimized windows appearing in the switcher
On the Experimental tab (might change hence the name):
The Launch Animation sets how the icons are animated.
None - no animation will be shown.
Pulse Until Running - the icon's back light will pulse till it loads up.
Blink - the icon's back light will blink.
The Urgent Animation sets how an icon will inform you of something important.
None - no animation.
Pulse - it will pulse.
Wiggle - it will wiggle.
Launcher Reveal Pressure - amount of mouse pressure required to reveal the launcher when the mouse is located at the launcher hot-spot (Decreasing this value causes the launcher to reveal with very light touch of the cursor at the hot-spot or left-side, otherwise you have to travel the cursor a little way)
Pressure Decay Rate - the rate at which the mouse pressure decays
Edge Stop Velocity - the maximum velocity at which the mouse will still be stopped
Duration of Sticky Edge Release after Break - delay after the sticky edge barrier is broken
Hide Animation - launcher animation
Fade on bfb and Slide - fades based on the position of your cursor in the bfb (big funny button - the one in the top left of your launcher with the Ubuntu circle of friends on it) and slides.
Slide only - it will only slide.
Fade only - it will only fade.
Fade and Slide - it will fade and slide.
The Automaximize value sets the minimum value to trigger automaximize.
Enable Shortcut Hints Overlay - pressing and holding the Super key displays the keyboard shortcuts overlay. This can be disabled through this setting.
Menus Fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-in animation takes to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus Fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-out animation to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus discovery duration - number of seconds the global menu should display when an application is first started
Menus discovery fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-in animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Menus discovery fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-out animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Launcher Monitors - controls whether launcher should be displayed on multiple desktops
Launcher Capture Mouse - determines if the launcher edges should capture the mouse
Ubuntu 11.04
CompizConfig Settings Manager
(ccsm) 或Configuration Editor
(gconf-editor)。我将描述这两种方式。CompizConfig 设置管理器
安装CompizConfig 设置管理器 (CCSM)。
Hide Launcher
将键盘焦点放在启动器上的键,以便您可以使用键盘进行导航(默认Alt+ F1)。
打开搜索命令破折号的键,您可以在其中输入要执行的命令名称。(默认Alt+ F2)。
选项卡上(可能会因此更改名称):Backlight Mode
设置图标如何背光。Launch Animation
设置图标如何动画。Urgent Animation
Panel Opacity
Launcher icon size
Hide Animation
如何隐藏和取消隐藏。Dash Blur
设置破折号中的模糊程度配置编辑器 (gconf-editor)
Configuration Editor
apps -> compiz-1 -> plugins -> unityshell -> screen0 -> options
Key Documentation
面板中显示简短说明。配置编辑器 (dconf-editor)
您还可以使用一些选项进行编辑(需要首先通过在Ubuntu 软件中心
安装dconf-tools或单击此处进行安装):Configuration Editor
Desktop -> Unity
:选择的外形尺寸将影响 Dash 的大小。Desktop使用固定大小的 Dash,Netbook将始终将 Dash 最大化到屏幕大小,Automatic根据屏幕分辨率决定使用Desktop还是Netbook 。home-expanded
: Dash 的主屏幕是否应该展开(Expanded)或不展开(Not Expanded)。导航
Desktop -> Unity -> Devices
:用于设置将在启动器上显示的设备的键。从不-> 从不在启动器上显示设备,OnlyMounted -> 只显示已安装的设备,始终-> 还显示未安装的设备。Desktop -> Unity -> Launcher
:这是显示在启动器中的桌面文件列表。Desktop -> Unity -> Panel
:允许在面板托盘区域放置图标的程序列表:[''] -> 无,['all'] -> 所有程序,或程序名称列表。启动器和菜单(统一首选项)
Launcher & Menus
Ubuntu 11.10
CompizConfig Settings Manager
(ccsm) 或 dconf 编辑器。请注意,(一些?)更改仅在注销并再次登录(即重新启动 X)后才会出现。
CompizConfig 设置管理器
安装CompizConfig 设置管理器 (单击链接)
,然后按 Enter。您现在可以配置很多不同的设置,例如快捷键、启动器行为和启动器的外观。
选项卡上,您可以配置:Reveal Mode
发射器将从哪个边缘显示的集合。Edge Reveal Timeout
Hide Launcher
将键盘焦点放在启动器上的键,以便您可以使用键盘进行导航(默认Alt+ F1)。
打开搜索命令破折号的键,您可以在其中输入要执行的命令名称。(默认Alt+ F2)。
选项卡上:在切换器中的计时器上自动网格窗口:如果您不想在 alt-tab 中自动展开多个窗口,请将其关闭。
偏置 alt-tab 排序以偏好当前视口上的窗口:如果您希望 alt-tab 优先考虑应用程序在 alt-tab 中显示的顺序,请选择此选项。当前工作区中的应用程序首先列出。
选项卡上(可能会因此更改名称):Backlight Mode
设置图标如何背光。Launch Animation
设置图标的动画效果。Urgent Animation
Panel Opacity
Launcher Opacity
Launcher icon size
Hide Animation
Dash Blur
模糊级别。Automaximize value
设置最小值以触发自动最大化。Show Devices
设置何时在启动器中显示设备。配置编辑器 (dconf-editor)
您还可以使用一些选项进行编辑(需要首先通过在Ubuntu 软件中心
安装dconf-tools或单击此处进行安装):Configuration Editor
Desktop -> Unity
:选择的外形尺寸将影响 Dash 的大小。Desktop使用固定大小的 Dash,Netbook将始终将 Dash 最大化到屏幕大小,Automatic根据屏幕分辨率决定使用Desktop还是Netbook 。home-expanded
: Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded (Expanded) or not (Not Expanded).Extra tip for changing dash/launcher color
A new feature for Unity in 11.10 is the ability to change the color of the dash/launcher to match the user's current wallpaper. To take advantage of this, simply set a new wallpaper for your desktop, and the color will change automatically to match.
Note that more advanced control over the dash/launcher color (i.e., setting them to separate or arbitrary colors regardless of the wallpaper chosen) is currently not possible...at least not through an option. The dash/launcher color can actually be arbitrarily set by using an image editor to change the center pixels of your chosen wallpaper to the desired color. (See the OMG! Ubuntu article documenting this here.)
Ubuntu 12.04
The default configuration option installed as standard is User Interface.
There are three further unity configuration options used in this answer that can be installed:
Note: In previous answers, the utility CCSM was extensively used as the primary configuration tool. The use of this tool is strongly not recommended and can break your desktop. In this answer, CCSM is only used where the other tools do not offer the configuration options discussed.
Note that some changes only appear after logging out and in again (i.e. restarting X).
User Interface
From the Appearance tab you can configure the:
From the Behaviour tab you can configure the:
and hit enter.You can now configure quite a few different settings, like the launcher behavior, dash configuration, panel transparency, desktop icons and various font settings.
Behavior - How the launcher interacts with windows
Display - What effect the launcher should use when hiding i.e. to fade away or to slide (or both)
Backlights - Style of icon background
Launcher Quicklists
This option allows you to create quicklists - quicklists are a submenu that are displayed when you right-click a launcher icon.
For example - shutter
Blur - how or if Dash background is displayed - default is to blur the background
Dash Size - whether the dash shows in netbook or desktop style depending on the screen resolution
Any themes that you have installed or manually installed (
) together with manually installed icons (/usr/share/icons
) can be chosen.Configuration Editor (dconf-editor)
Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through MyUnity described above.
Open up the
Configuration Editor
by pressing Alt + F2 and typingdconf-editor
Navigate to
Desktop -> Unity
to find the options below:home-expanded
- Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded (Expanded) or not (Not Expanded).sub-key Dash -
- List of lens ids specifying how lenses should be ordered in the Dash home screen.favorites
- List of device uuid for favorites on the launcher.favorites
- list of icons (their .desktop names) shown by default on the launchersystray-whitelist
- List of client names, resource classes or wm classes to allow in the Panel's systray implementation. A value of [All] will allow any system-tray based application that is not by default a indicator to be displayedCompizConfig Settings Manager
Note that ccsm is deprecated after 11.10; the same settings are available through gconf-editor in a somewhat safer though less intuitive interface. The settings below can be found in by selecting /apps/compiz-1/plugins/unityshell/screen0/options in the left-hand panel.
and hit enter.Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through MyUnity described above.
On the
tab you can configure:The key to show the launcher which by default is the Super key. This will also affect the key used to show the dash (if tapped) and the shortcuts shown when keeping Super pressed.
The key to put keyboard-focus on the launcher so you can navigate using your keyboard (default Alt + F1).
The key to open a Search Command dash where you can enter a command name you want to execute. (dafault Alt + F2).
The key to open the first panel menu (default F10).
The key to define the Application switcher (default Super+Tab
The key to define the Reverse the Application switcher (default Shift+Super+Tab
On the
Tab:Automatically grid windows on timer in switcher: Turn this off if you want don't want to automatically expand multiple windows in alt-tab.
Bias alt-tab sorting to prefer windows on the current viewport: Check this if you want alt tab to show only applications in your current workspace, or uncheck it to show all open applications regardless of which workspace they're on.
Show minimized windows in switcher: Turn this off if you don't want minimized windows appearing in the switcher
On the
tab (might change hence the name):The
Launch Animation
sets how the icons are animated.The
Urgent Animation
sets how an icon will inform you of something important.Launcher Reveal Pressure - amount of mouse pressure required to reveal the launcher when the mouse is located at the launcher hot-spot (Decreasing this value causes the launcher to reveal with very light touch of the cursor at the hot-spot or left-side, otherwise you have to travel the cursor a little way)
Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure - amount of mouse pressure required to push into the next monitor
Pressure Decay Rate - the rate at which the mouse pressure decays
Edge Stop Velocity - the maximum velocity at which the mouse will still be stopped
Automaximize value
sets the minimum value to trigger automaximize.Enable Shortcut Hints Overlay - pressing and holding the Super key displays the keyboard shortcuts overlay. This can be disabled through this setting.
Menus Fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-in animation takes to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus Fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-out animation to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus discovery duration - number of seconds the global menu should display when an application is first started
Menus discovery fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-in animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Menus discovery fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-out animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Ubuntu 12.10
The default configuration option installed as standard is User Interface.
There are three further unity configuration options used in this answer that can be installed:
Note 1: In previous answers, the utility CCSM was extensively used as the primary configuration tool. The use of this tool is strongly not recommended and can break your desktop. In this answer, CCSM is only used where the other tools do not offer the configuration options discussed.
Note 2: Whilst Ubuntu Tweak is not in the official repositories, this answer makes extensive use of this GUI tool since the favoured tool - MyUnity was dropped from the 12.10 repositories due to stability issues.
Note that some changes only appear after logging out and in again (i.e. restarting X).
User Interface
From the Appearance tab you can configure the:
From the Behaviour tab you can configure the:
Ubuntu Tweak
and hit enter or choose the Ubuntu-tweak icon found in the Session SettingsYou can now configure quite a few different settings, like the Fonts, Themes, Unity tweaks, Window tweaks, Workspace settings, Indicator Session Tweaks
Any themes that you have installed or manually installed (
) together with manually installed icons (/usr/share/icons
) can be chosen.Unity Tweaks
Window tweaks
Workspace settings
Indicator Session Tweaks
Various tweaks as shown in the image to control the session indicator
Configuration Editor (dconf-editor)
Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through Ubuntu-Tweak described above.
Open up the
Configuration Editor
by pressing Alt + F2 and typingdconf-editor
Navigate to
com - canonical - unity
to find the options below:home-expanded
- Whether the home screen of the Dash should be expanded (Expanded) or not (Not Expanded).minimize-count
- number of times a window has been minimized - this adjusts the animation speed by making the minimize action progressively faster the more it is usedminimize-fast-duration
- This is the duration that the minimize animation will have when it has been used more than an number of times equal minimize-speed-threshold.minimize-slow-duration
- This is the duration that the minimize animation will have when it has never been used.minimize-speed-threshold
- The speed of the minimize animation will progressively get faster as minimize-count approaches this value.home-lens-ordering
- List of lens ids specifying how lenses should be ordered in the Dash home screen.favorites
- List of device uuid for favorites on the launcher.favorites
- list of icons (their .desktop names) shown by default on the launcherremote-content-search
- "all" is to enable the supported default lens to search from remote and commercial sources. "none" will indicate the lenses to not perform that remote search at all.systray-whitelist
- List of client names, resource classes or wm classes to allow in the Panel's systray implementation. A value of [All] will allow any system-tray based application that is not by default a indicator to be displayedallowed-domains
- This key indicates which web applications (by domain) are allowed to access Unity integration features, such as Sound Menu, Messaging Indicator, etc...dontask-domains
- This key indicates web applications which the user has blacklisted from accessing Unity integration features.index-update-time
- Frequency (in seconds per job) with which unity-webapps-service will spawn the ubuntu-webapps-update-index job.integration-allowed
- Specifies if prompting for unity integration is enabled or notpreauthorized-domains
- A list of domains which are preauthorized to access Unity Integration.Navigate to
desktop - unity - lenses - applications
to find the options below:display-available-apps
- Display Apps Available for Download in the Applications lens.display-recent-apps
- Display Recently Used apps in the Applications lens.use-locate
- Use locate during searches to make sure the lens is able to find most of their files even it they're not logged by Zeitgeist.CompizConfig Settings Manager
and hit enter.Where an option is not described, then this functionality can be achieved through Ubuntu-Tweak or dconf-editor described above.
On the
tab you can configure:The key to show the launcher which by default is the Super key. This will also affect the key used to show the dash (if tapped) and the shortcuts shown when keeping Super pressed.
The key to put keyboard-focus on the launcher so you can navigate using your keyboard (default Alt + F1).
The key to open a Search Command dash where you can enter a command name you want to execute. (dafault Alt + F2).
The key to open the first panel menu (default F10).
The key to define the Application switcher (default Super+Tab
The key to define the Reverse the Application switcher (default Shift+Super+Tab
On the
Tab:Automatically grid windows on timer in switcher: Turn this off if you want don't want to automatically expand multiple windows in alt-tab.
Bias alt-tab sorting to prefer windows on the current viewport: Check this if you want alt tab to show only applications in your current workspace, or uncheck it to show all open applications regardless of which workspace they're on.
Show minimized windows in switcher: Turn this off if you don't want minimized windows appearing in the switcher
On the
tab (might change hence the name):The
Launch Animation
sets how the icons are animated.The
Urgent Animation
sets how an icon will inform you of something important.Launcher Reveal Pressure - amount of mouse pressure required to reveal the launcher when the mouse is located at the launcher hot-spot (Decreasing this value causes the launcher to reveal with very light touch of the cursor at the hot-spot or left-side, otherwise you have to travel the cursor a little way)
Pressure Decay Rate - the rate at which the mouse pressure decays
Edge Stop Velocity - the maximum velocity at which the mouse will still be stopped
Duration of Sticky Edge Release after Break - delay after the sticky edge barrier is broken
Hide Animation - launcher animation
Automaximize value
sets the minimum value to trigger automaximize.Enable Shortcut Hints Overlay - pressing and holding the Super key displays the keyboard shortcuts overlay. This can be disabled through this setting.
Menus Fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-in animation takes to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus Fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the global menu fade-out animation to display when the mouse moves into the global menu region.
Menus discovery duration - number of seconds the global menu should display when an application is first started
Menus discovery fade-in duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-in animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Menus discovery fade-out duration - duration (in milliseconds) that the fade-out animation takes when the global menu is displayed for an launched application
Launcher Monitors - controls whether launcher should be displayed on multiple desktops
Launcher Capture Mouse - determines if the launcher edges should capture the mouse
Unity Tweak Tool can be used to configure Unity in Ubuntu 13.04 and later. It is also available in a PPA for 12.10 Ubuntu users.
unity-tweak-tool
or via the command
sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
For installation on 12.10 you'll have to add the Unity Tweak Tool (UTT) from a PPA. Run
To add the PPA, and
To update the package list and install UTT.
Configuring Unity
As you can see UTT has quite a lot of options when it comes to configuring your desktop.
The main interface is divided into four main categories:
Window Manager
note: There is a restore defaults button on every tab that will restore all settings to their default values for that tab.
The Unity section contains most of the Unity centric configuration options that Unity Tweak Tool offers.
From the Launcher tab you can configure the elements of the Unity Launcher:
: Sets whether the launcher auto-hides when not in focusAuto-hide animation
: Controls the animation used in auto-hiding the launcher if auto-hide is set toon
.Reveal location
: If auto-hide is activated, controls whether you can activate the launcher from the sides or only in the top left corner.Reveal sensitivity
: If auto-hide is activated, controls the sensitivity of the launcher when giving it focus.appearance
: Controls whether the Launcher is transparent.Transparency level
: If transparency is activated, controls the level of launcher transparency.Colour
: Controls whether the color of the launcher is based on the current wallpaper or uses a custom color.Visibility
: If multiple monitors are in use, controls whether the launcher is visible on all desktops or just the primary desktop.icons
Urgent animation
: Controls the urgent animation of launcher icons.Launch animation
: Controls the animation of a launcher icon when the application is being launched.Icon backgrounds
: Controls when the icon backgrounds (called "backlight") is on.Icon size
: Controls the size of launcher icons."Show Desktop" icon
: Controls whether the "Show Desktop" icon is visible in the launcher.search
From the search tab you can configure Unity's search.
Background blur
: Controls whether the background of the dash is blurred or not.blur type
: If background blur is enabled, controls whether the blur updates with the background or not.search online sources
: Controls whether the launcher shows results from online sources.applications
Show "More Suggestions"
: Controls whether the "More Suggestions" category is displayed in dash results.Show "Recently Used" applications
: Controls whether the applications lens shows your recently used applications.files
Enable search of your files
: Enables or disables the ability to search unlogged files from the files lens.run command
Clear history
: Clears your Alt+F2 command history.panel
The panel tab controls the settings of Unity's panel.
Menu visible for
: Sets how long an application's menu is visible when it is first opened.Transparency
: Enables or disables panel transparency.Transparency level
: If transparency is enabled, controls the level of transparency.Opaque panel for maximized windows
: If transparency is enabled, controls whether maximized panel of windows is transparent as well.indicators
The indicators sections contains settings for fine tuning the indicators in Unity's panel.
Some of the things you can control include:
Fine tune the amount of detail the time and date indicator has, (date, 24 hour time, seconds etc)
Enable or disable the bluetooth indicator
Fine tune the power indicator
Enable or disable the volume indicator and change the default music player
Show your username in the panel
The switcher tab allows you to configure Unity's Alt+Tab switcher.
Display "Show Desktop" icon
Sets whether the "Display Desktop" icon is displayed in the switcher.Switch between windows on all workspaces
: Controls whether the switcher shows applications on all workspaces or just the current workspace.Switch between minimized windows
: Controls whether the switcher allows you to switch to minimized windows.Automatically expose windows
: Controls whether the switcher exposes minimized windows.Window switching shortcuts and Launcher switching shortcuts allow you to customize the keys used in the various switcher actions.
web apps
The web apps tab lets you customize several web app features, including prompts on supported sites.
Integration prompts
: Controls whether you get an installation prompt when visiting a site with a supported web app.Additional
Remember previous commands
: Sets whether the HUD remembers previous commands you've used.键盘快捷键
Hold Super for keyboard shortcuts
:激活后,按下Super将突出显示各种 Unity 快捷方式。您还可以更改一些 Unity 的启动器键盘快捷键。
Unity Tweak Tool 还可以做更多事情,我希望最终涵盖它可以做的所有事情。
A new simple Unity tweaking tool, but very powerfull, is "MyUnity":
You can do a lot of thing, more than many other tools. From now, he is in italian, but I think that english translation will come sooner.
Now available in English, refer to OMG!Ubuntu article from December 11.
There is an unofficial Compiz plugin that allows you to move the Unity launcher to the bottom (looks out of place and ugly there in my opinion).
More information about it at:
How To Move Unity Launcher To The Bottom Of The Screen [Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot] ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog
Personally would wait for an official plugin for this but if you are feeling feisty...
Use at your own risk.
Unity 是通过 compiz 配置的。从软件中心安装 CompizConfig 设置管理器 (ccsm),然后在桌面部分查看 Unity 选项。
Unity 2D 设置可以使用此处提供的工具进行配置:
Unity-2D 设置的简单 GUI (Ubuntu 11.04) | 马里亚诺·查韦罗
除了在另一个回复中描述的 CCSM(Compiz Config Settings Manager)配置之外,您还可以通过自定义启动器和所谓的快速列表更改在 Unity 中右键单击应用程序启动器(图标)时出现的菜单选项。
例如,您可以在 Banshee 图标中添加 STOP、PLAY、PAUSE、NEXT、PREVIOUS,您可以在 Nautilus(文件浏览器)图标中添加您喜欢的文件夹,您可以在终端图标中添加常用的 SSH 服务器等。
要查找上述快速列表的示例和说明,请参阅另一个热门问题:可以使用哪些自定义启动器和 Unity 快速列表?.