Accelerator Board Status Change: Slot 5.
Status is now Temporarily Disabled.
Accelerator Board Status Change: Slot 5.
Status is now Enabled.
问题。我们可以在系统运行时禁用缓存吗?我需要更改 hpacucli 中的哪些选项?好像有不少。
<target> modify [arrayaccelerator=enable|disable]
Enables or disables the array accelerator for a given logical drive. The
target can be any valid logical drive target on a controller that supports
array accelerator management.
<target> modify [drivewritecache=enable|disable|?] [forced]
Enables or disables the physical drive write cache for the controller. The
target can be any valid controller target that supports drive write cache.
<target> modify [nobatterywritecache=enable|disable|?]
This option allows write caching to be enabled when a battery/capacitor is
not present or fully charged. This setting affects all logical drives
created on the controller and there must be at least one logical drive
present before usage.
是的,您可以禁用写入缓存的电池要求......如果您不担心在崩溃或电源故障期间丢失正在进行的写入,那很好。我更担心的是那些旧电池会开始膨胀。我已经看到它发生了,而且有点恶心(一个在 DL180 G5 机箱内爆炸)。
请参阅:Smart Array P400 - 加速器更换电池故障