Modes may be absolute or symbolic. An absolute mode is an octal number
constructed from the sum of one or more of the following values:
4000 (the setuid bit). Executable files with this bit set will
run with effective uid set to the uid of the file owner.
Directories with this bit set will force all files and sub-
directories created in them to be owned by the directory
owner and not by the uid of the creating process, if the
underlying file system supports this feature: see chmod(2)
and the suiddir option to mount(8).
2000 (the setgid bit). Executable files with this bit set will
run with effective gid set to the gid of the file owner.
1000 (the sticky bit). See chmod(2) and sticky(8).
0400 Allow read by owner.
0200 Allow write by owner.
0100 For files, allow execution by owner. For directories,
allow the owner to search in the directory.
0040 Allow read by group members.
0020 Allow write by group members.
0010 For files, allow execution by group members. For directo-
ries, allow group members to search in the directory.
0004 Allow read by others.
0002 Allow write by others.
0001 For files, allow execution by others. For directories
allow others to search in the directory.
您可以为 GID 执行此操作:
您不能为 UID 执行此操作。直接地。
您可以编写一个经常运行命令的 cron 条目:
(确保挂载 /path/to/directory 在 nosuid 上的文件系统,以避免有人将 setuid shell 放入目录的竞争条件)
chown user:group file
?我很抱歉这么说,但请使用 RTFM。来自