Estou tentando fazer a soma de 9 cálculos individuais, conforme listado abaixo, onde os resultados usam uma cascata de 1 a 9. Uma determinada conta nunca terá um valor para cada um dos 9 cálculos diferentes, no entanto, ela pode ter um valor em mais de um dos buckets calculados e, portanto, só queremos renderizar valores na ordem da cascata (1 a 9). Por exemplo, se uma determinada conta tivesse um valor para o primeiro (--1-) bucket calculado e o último (--9-) bucket calculado, então eu só gostaria de trazer o primeiro (--1-) valor calculado.
SELECT AccountNbr,
SUM(CurrSofrOn) AS CurrSofrOn,
SUM(CurrTlpNonStableBase) AS CurrTlpNonStableBase,
SUM(CurrTlpStableBase) AS CurrTlpStableBase,
SUM(CurrBeta) AS CurrBeta, SUM(CurrFtp) AS CurrFtp,
SUM(CurrBase) AS CurrBase, SUM(CurrStabilityAdj) AS CurrStabilityAdj,
SUM(CurrTlpAdjAge) AS CurrTlpAdjAge, SUM(CurrModeled) AS CurrModeled
COALESCE(l.AcctNbr_2, l.AcctNbr_1) AS AccountNbr,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.SofrOnRate_2,0) AS CurrSofrOn,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.MovingAvgBaseRt_2,0) AS CurrBase,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.TlpNonStableBase_2,0) AS CurrTlpNonStableBase,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.TlpStableBase_2,0) AS CurrTlpStableBase,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.Beta_2,0) AS CurrBeta,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.StableAdjBal_2,0) AS CurrStabilityAdj,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.FtpRate_2,0) AS CurrFtp,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.TlpAdjAge_2,0) AS CurrTlpAdjAge,
COALESCE(l.CurrAvgBook * l.FtpRateModel_2,0) AS CurrModeled
n1.AcctNbr AS AcctNbr_1, n2.AcctNbr AS AcctNbr_2,
n1.TotalBookValueEoM AS PrevCurrBook,n2.TotalBookValueEoM AS CurrBook, n1.TotalBookValueAvg AS PrevAvgBook, n2.TotalBookValueAvg AS CurrAvgBook,
n1.FtpRate_Model AS FtpRateModel_1, n2.FtpRate_Model AS FtpRateModel_2, n1.Stable_Base AS StableBase_1, n2.Stable_Base AS StableBase_2,
n1.SofrOnRate AS SofrOnRate_1, n2.SofrOnRate AS SofrOnRate_2, n1.StableAdjustment_Balance AS StableAdjBal_1,n2.StableAdjustment_Balance AS StableAdjBal_2,
n1.FtpRate_Model_Floored AS FtpRateModelFloored_1, n2.FtpRate_Model_Floored AS FtpRateModelFloored_2, n1.TlpAdjustment_Age AS TlpAdjAge_1,
n2.TlpAdjustment_Age AS TlpAdjAge_2, n1.MovingAverageBaseRate AS MovingAvgBaseRt_1, n2.MovingAverageBaseRate AS MovingAvgBaseRt_2,
n1.FtpRate_Final AS FtpRate_1, n2.FtpRate_Final AS FtpRate_2, n1.Beta AS Beta_1, n2.Beta AS Beta_2, n1.TlpTermInMonths_NonStable AS TlpTermInMnthsNS_1,
n2.TlpTermInMonths_NonStable AS TlpTermInMnthsNS_2, n1.BaseRateIndex AS BaseRateIndex_1, n2.BaseRateIndex AS BaseRateIndex_2,
n1.TLP_Stable_Base AS TlpStableBase_1, n2.TLP_Stable_Base AS TlpStableBase_2, n1.TLP_NonStable_Base AS TlpNonStableBase_1, n2.TLP_NonStable_Base AS TlpNonStableBase_2
FROM dbo.NonMaturityDepositResults n
WHERE n.TapeDate = 2024-11-30
) n1
FROM dbo.NonMaturityDepositResults n
WHERE n.TapeDate = '2024-10-31'
) n2
ON n2.account_key = n1.account_key
and n2.Channel = n1.Channel
and n2.DepositType = n1.DepositType
) l
) a
GROUP BY a.DepositChannel,a.DepositType