Eu experimentei em meus resultados de pesquisa ( CMD Shift f) algumas vezes, que eu procuro uma string que eu sei que está no meu projeto - e então o PhpStorm não me mostra.
Como este aqui:
Parece um pouco assustador não poder 'confiar' em minha pesquisa para encontrar isso.
Tentativa de solução 1 - pesquisa restrita
Se eu pesquisar apenas no screens
diretório -, ele poderá encontrá-lo:
... mas o que é superestranho é que se eu alargar a pesquisa, simplesmente removendo screens
, então não aparece :
Examinei minuciosamente toda a lista - e FinanceSingleTermScreen
não está lá.
Tentativa de solução 2 - Considere os escopos
Maybe it's because there are simply so many files for it to search in. But it's quite annoying if I have to setup scopes for all projects, to start trusting my search again.
Solution attempt 3 - Reindex project
If I mark my app
-folder at click CMD Option y (File >> Reload all from disk), to make sure it's not some memory thing.
But it doesn't do a difference.
Solution attempt 4: Close project and open it again
Didn't do anything.
Solution attempt 5: Change search string
I tried searching for >Prev
instead of Prev
, and then it shows up!!
And here it is, if I remove the >
... and I have went thoroughly through the search results of that last image. It's not there.
Solution attempt 6: Fiddle with filters
Obviously there are many options there.
I tried a bunch, but it didn't lead to anything.
Untried attempts
- File >> Invalidate caches: It just seems extensive and shouldn't be necessary (I hope).
Accordingly to your screenshots it actually works correctly.
You see, this "Find in Files" popup... it is more like a preview (very advanced one where you can edit the text right there... but still). It searches as fast as possible in multiple threads/files at the same time so the order and files searched can be different each time you search if you have many files with matched text.
The key info is shown on this part of your screenshot:
This means that you see only TOP 100 results (in a random order, see the note above).
It is even possible (although it's very rare) to see that all 100+ results are from a single file (while you may have 100 more files with such a popular keyword). For example: try searching for
in a project where jQuery file is present (it has a lot of matches for that keyword).To see ALL matches just hit the button at the bottom right ("Open in Find Window") and the IDE will open a toolwindow with ALL search results (it will pause at around 1,000 results and ask if it should continue searching). The preview area / editing the file right there is also possible just like in the popup, just enable it.
Para limitar os arquivos pesquisados, você pode usar o campo Máscara de arquivo (canto superior direito), um Escopo ou Diretório (por exemplo, apenas arquivos abertos / determinada pasta, etc.) ou um termo de pesquisa mais preciso (como você fez com )