Select top 500
when lower(title) like '%open source%' then 0
when lower(title) like '%recommend%' then 1
when lower(title) like '%free%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%good%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%best%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%better%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%any%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%what%should%' then 3
when lower(title) like '%which%should%'then 3
when lower(title) like '%is there%' then 3
when lower(title) like '%looking for%' then 4
else 5 end
left(title,25) --as [Post Link]
when lower(title) like '%open source%' then 0
when lower(title) like '%recommend%' then 1
when lower(title) like '%free%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%good%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%best%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%better%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%any%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%what%should%' then 3
when lower(title) like '%which%should%'then 3
when lower(title) like '%is there%' then 3
when lower(title) like '%looking for%' then 4
else 5 end
ORDER BY (case
when lower(title) like '%open source%' then 0
when lower(title) like '%recommend%' then 1
when lower(title) like '%free%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%good%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%best%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%better%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%any%' then 2
when lower(title) like '%what%should%' then 3
when lower(title) like '%which%should%'then 3
when lower(title) like '%is there%' then 3
when lower(title) like '%looking for%' then 4
else 5 end
)) AS Number
from posts
where (title like '%library%'
or title like '%tool%'
or title like '%book%'
or title like '%tutorial%')
and closeddate is null
and deletiondate is null
在 Python、Java 和许多其他语言中,我可以定义一个函数来防止重复大量case when
. Transact sql中有类似的语法吗?
使用应用,就像我在中显示的示例:http: //blogs.lobsterpot.com.au/2011/12/13/at-sql-tip-working-calculations/
...然后您可以在其他任何地方使用它作为常规列 - 只是一个计算的列。