我的台式机结构相当简单,配有 Gigabyte 主板、一对 NVME 驱动器、DVD R/W 驱动器和 64GB RAM。运行 Windows 10 并连接到 TrippLite UPS。
解析事件日志清楚地表明机器正在进入睡眠状态。今天早上我检查了它,看看它在夜间何时进入这种状态,并发现了其他东西 - 一系列 6 条“电源已更改”消息,持续约 7 分钟。
我也检查了 UPS 的日志,它们还显示机器进入睡眠状态,具体来说:
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] CommandInfo [ name='Get Discharging'; id=103; variation=5; protocolId=0x3016; className='Command_getdischarging_3016_com_hid_103'; priority='MEDIUM'; executionGroup='DATA'; commandType='GET'; communicationType='HID'; isIdle=false; isLiteral=false; isNullCommand=false; isCommandDataFormula=false; commandData=' 00 84 00 02 00 85 00 45 '; data=' '; inboundDataLength=1; outboundDataLength=8; line=0; dependsOnVariable=''; updatedVariables=('Battery Discharging','Battery Charge'); isAvailable=true; tag=;) ]
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Sending 8 bytes to device: 00 84 00 02 00 85 00 45
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Port '\\?\hid#vid_09ae&pid_3016#6&12b3d71&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}' Outbound to device: combined=0x84000200850045
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC CommandInfo [ name='Get Discharging'; id=103; variation=5; protocolId=0x3016; className='Command_getdischarging_3016_com_hid_103'; priority='MEDIUM'; executionGroup='DATA'; commandType='GET'; communicationType='HID'; isIdle=false; isLiteral=false; isNullCommand=false; isCommandDataFormula=false; commandData=' 00 84 00 02 00 85 00 45 '; data=' '; inboundDataLength=1; outboundDataLength=8; line=0; dependsOnVariable=''; updatedVariables=('Battery Discharging','Battery Charge'); isAvailable=true; tag=;) ]>
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Sending 8 bytes to device: 00 84 00 02 00 85 00 45 >
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Port '\\?\hid#vid_09ae&pid_3016#6&12b3d71&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}' Outbound to device: combined=0x84000200850045>
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Port '\\?\hid#vid_09ae&pid_3016#6&12b3d71&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}' Inbound (four byte) from device: 00 00 00 00
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Port '\\?\hid#vid_09ae&pid_3016#6&12b3d71&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}' Inbound (four byte) from device: 00 00 00 00 >
**2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Handling entry to hibernation...**
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Iterate over device 1
**2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Handling entry to hibernation...>**
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Iterate over device 1>
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] CommandInfo [ name='Stop Watchdog Timer'; id=239; variation=14; protocolId=0x3016; className='Command_stopwatchdogtimer_3016_com_hid_239'; priority='MEDIUM'; executionGroup='EXIT'; commandType='SET'; communicationType='HID'; isIdle=false; isLiteral=false; isNullCommand=false; isCommandDataFormula=false; commandData=' 00 84 00 20 ff ff 00 92 '; data=' 00 '; inboundDataLength=1; outboundDataLength=8; line=0; dependsOnVariable='Cmd Stop Watchdog Timer Data'; updatedVariables=(); isAvailable=true; tag=;) ]
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Sending 8 bytes to device: 00 84 00 20 ff ff 00 92
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Port '\\?\hid#vid_09ae&pid_3016#6&12b3d71&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}' Outbound to device: combined=0x00840020ffff0092; data=00
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC CommandInfo [ name='Stop Watchdog Timer'; id=239; variation=14; protocolId=0x3016; className='Command_stopwatchdogtimer_3016_com_hid_239'; priority='MEDIUM'; executionGroup='EXIT'; commandType='SET'; communicationType='HID'; isIdle=false; isLiteral=false; isNullCommand=false; isCommandDataFormula=false; commandData=' 00 84 00 20 ff ff 00 92 '; data=' 00 '; inboundDataLength=1; outboundDataLength=8; line=0; dependsOnVariable='Cmd Stop Watchdog Timer Data'; updatedVariables=(); isAvailable=true; tag=;) ]>
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Sending 8 bytes to device: 00 84 00 20 ff ff 00 92 >
2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Port '\\?\hid#vid_09ae&pid_3016#6&12b3d71&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}' Outbound to device: combined=0x00840020ffff0092; data=00 >
**2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Handled entry to hibernation**
**2023-09-28T17:52:40Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:40 tradingPC Handled entry to hibernation>**
**2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Handling exit from hibernation...**
**2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Handled exit from hibernation**
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [debug] set 'memoized_setups' on path 'CachingEntityRegistry((<Mapper at 0x197d3106550; SysLogServerModel>,))' to '{}'
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [debug] Returning 1 devices
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [info] updating active state for device 1. Updating active to false and initialized to false
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [info] Device ID 1 is going inactive; clear Communication Lost Event = false
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [debug] Clearing event active state and alarms only for device 1
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [debug] successfully got the list of alarms. Received 0 alarms
2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -1: [debug] gRPC OK, in: (, <grpc._server._Context object at 0x00000197D3C)
**2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:59 tradingPC Handling exit from hibernation...>**
**2023-09-28T17:52:59Z tradingPC - -5: [debug] Received message <<14>Sep 28 10:52:59 tradingPC Handled exit from hibernation>**
我已经退出了所有后台应用程序,安装了 PowerToys 并使用了“Always Awake”选项……除了我物理地移动鼠标之外,没有什么可以阻止这一点。我束手无策,因为我需要我的机器能够在无人值守的情况下运行相当长的时间。