由于 OBS 发布的密钥仅在大约两年内有效,可能会出现几个问题(主要是 EXPKEYSIG)。
Ur Ya'ar
2021-11-17 00:33:00 +0800 CST
我在 linux Mint 20.2 上使用 Albert 启动器,启动它一段时间后,我只是注意到它不再运行了。不知道是摔坏了还是其他什么东西把它弄死了。在具有相同操作系统的不同电脑中,一切都很好......有什么建议吗?
Addition1:我尝试从终端启动 Albert,列出的内容包括:
[warn:core] Application has not been terminated graciously.
12:32:16 [debg:core] ========== SESSION SETUP STARTED ==========
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 1 µs SESSION SETUP [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION SETUP [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 1 µs SESSION SETUP [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 1 µs SESSION SETUP [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION SETUP [org.albert]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 201 µs SESSION SETUP OVERALL
12:32:16 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: ==========
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 225 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 7 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 4 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 245 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 2 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 5094 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:16 [debg:core] TIME: 41937 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:18 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: ד ==========
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 126 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 16 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 143 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 193 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 3 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:18 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: דה ==========
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 88 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 5 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 91 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 2 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 160 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 3288 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 5731 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 3711 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:18 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: דה= ==========
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 173 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 9 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 147 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 300 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 6 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 23 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:18 [debg:core] TIME: 16475 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:19 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: דה ==========
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 112 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 76 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 3 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 81 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 3 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 108 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 7493 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:19 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: ד ==========
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 192 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 209 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 5 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 6 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 166 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 289 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 16246 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:19 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: ==========
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 83 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 5 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 1 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 2 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 49 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:19 [debg:core] TIME: 421 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 20054 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:20 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: s ==========
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 207 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 232 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 263 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 5 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 166 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 4279 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:20 [debg:core] TIME: 5910 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:21 [debg:core] ========== QUERY: sc ==========
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 248 µs SESSION TEARDOWN OVERALL
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 159 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 7 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 5 µs MATCHES [org.albert]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 156 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 246 µs MATCHES [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 14546 µs QUERY OVERALL
12:32:21 [info:default] Detached process started successfully. PID: 51089 ("sh", "-c", "gnome-screenshot --interactive")
12:32:21 [debg:core] ========== SESSION TEARDOWN STARTED ==========
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION TEARDOWN [org.albert.extension.applications]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION TEARDOWN [org.albert.extension.files]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION TEARDOWN [org.albert.extension.system]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION TEARDOWN [org.albert.extension.websearch]
12:32:21 [debg:core] TIME: 0 µs SESSION TEARDOWN [org.albert]
12:32:21 [fatal:default] SQL ERROR: INSERT INTO execution (query_id, handler_id, runtime) VALUES (:query_id, :handler_id, :runtime); UNIQUE constraint failed: execution.query_id, execution.handler_id Unable to fetch row -- [(null)]
Sr. S
2021-10-12 01:37:40 +0800 CST
我正在尝试开发一个扩展来将颜色代码显示为图标,但是,Albert 正在缓存使用的图像(SVG/PNG)。
# import cairosvg
import albert
import time
import os
import re
__title__ = "colors"
__version__ = "0.4.2"
__triggers__ = "col "
__authors__ = "scmanjarrez"
# __exec_deps__ = ["cairosvg"]
CWD = os.path.dirname(__file__)
HEX = re.compile(r'#([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})', re.IGNORECASE)
RGB = re.compile(r'\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)|'
# Can be omitted
def initialize():
# Can be omitted
def finalize():
def parse_line(line):
hex = True
match = HEX.match(line)
if match:
col = (match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3))
hex = False
match = RGB.match(line)
if match:
col = (match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3))
if match.group(1) is None:
col = (match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6))
if hex:
hexcol = f"#{col[0]}{col[1]}{col[2]}"
rgbcol = (f"({int(col[0], 16)}, "
f"{int(col[1], 16)}, "
f"{int(col[2], 16)})")
hexcol = f"#{col[0]:x}{col[1]:x}{col[2]:x}"
rgbcol = (f"({int(col[0])}, "
f"{int(col[1])}, "
return hexcol, rgbcol
def handleQuery(query):
if not query.isTriggered:
results = []
if not query.string:
item = albert.Item()
item.icon = f"{CWD}/cwheel.svg"
item.text = "Albert color plugin"
item.subtext = "Allowed formats: (r,g,b), r g b and #rrggbb."
newsvg = ''
with open(f"{CWD}/color.svg", 'r') as cf:
svg = cf.read()
hexcol, rgbcol = parse_line(query.string)
newsvg = re.sub(r'fill:.*?;', f'fill:{hexcol};', svg)
if newsvg:
with open(f"{CWD}/color.svg", 'w') as cf:
# cairosvg.svg2png(
# url=f"{CWD}/color.svg", write_to="/tmp/color.png")
item = albert.Item()
item.icon = f"{CWD}/color.svg"
# item.icon = "/tmp/color.png"
item.text = f"hex: {hexcol} | rgb: {rgbcol}"
return results
即使我更改触发器,它也使用相同的颜色,但 SVG/PNG 在文件资源管理器中正确更新。
2021-02-26 14:50:25 +0800 CST
2020-09-08 04:35:54 +0800 CST
在 Ubuntu 20.04 上,键绑定 Super+X 不起作用。钥匙有时有效,有时无效。有什么问题,我应该怎么做才能正确设置热键?
2020-06-15 13:31:29 +0800 CST
我意识到我系统上安装的一些应用程序无法使用 albert 访问。为什么我查询它们时它们不显示?
2020-06-15 13:25:51 +0800 CST
我有一个高分辨率显示器。当我启动 Albert 时,前端看起来非常小。我能否以某种方式使 Albert 具有与我的桌面环境相同的缩放比例?
2020-06-15 13:19:49 +0800 CST
文件扩展名索引了大量我实际上不需要的文件。我可以告诉 albert 忽略特定的文件和子目录吗?
2020-06-15 13:10:34 +0800 CST
2020-06-15 06:26:51 +0800 CST