我手上有一个 300 行的 excel 表,其中包含用于 robocopy 的源路径和目标路径,为了避免将所有路径复制粘贴到 .bat 文件上,我尝试制作此 powershell 脚本:
# Import the Excel module
Import-Module ImportExcel
# Path to the Excel file
$excelPath = 'classeur.xlsx'
# Import data from the Excel file and check for null values
$data = Import-Excel -Path $excelPath
if ($data -eq $null) {
Write-Host "No data was imported from the file. Please check if the file is empty."
# Display imported data for verification
Write-Host "Imported data preview:"
$data | Format-Table -AutoSize
# File to store the source and destination paths
$outputFile = 'robocopy.txt'
if (Test-Path $outputFile) {
Remove-Item $outputFile
# Iterate over each row of data
foreach ($row in $data) {
$source = $row.Source
$destination = $row.Destination
# Check if either source or destination is empty
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($source) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($destination)) {
Write-Host "Empty source or destination found, skipping..."
} else {
# Format the line to write to the file
$lineToWrite = "Source: `"$source`" - Destination: `"$destination`""
Write-Host "Writing to file: $lineToWrite"
$lineToWrite | Out-File -FilePath $outputFile -Append -Encoding UTF8
Write-Host "All lines processed. Paths are stored in $outputFile"
当然,我复制了 excel 文件并重新构建它,以方便脚本读取
来源 | 目的地 |
源文件路径 | 目的地 filapath |
源文件路径 | 目的地 filapath |
SET _source1="Filepath to source"
SET _destsge1="Filepath to destination"
SET _source2="Filepath to source"
SET _destsge2="Filepath to destination"
Empty source or destination found, skipping...
Empty source or destination found, skipping...
Empty source or destination found, skipping...
Empty source or destination found, skipping...
- powershell正确读取了excel,就是这样。
- 我的PS版本是5.1.22621.2506
- 以管理员身份执行脚本。
- Excel 版本:版本 2403(内部版本 17425.20146)
我想指出的是,txt 文件和 excel 文件位于具有脚本的同一文件夹中。
相反,最好使用两个 if 来进行此配置。
这里更新的脚本允许从 Excel 获取数据并相应地准备 robocopy 命令。请注意,您必须手动将日志文件输入到 Robocopy.txt
Excel 文件的第一行必须有源,目标有标题,以便脚本获取信息