我有多个 MicroCenter USB 3.1 32GB 闪存驱动器出现问题。最初,它们可以工作,但是当我第一次尝试将多个文件和文件夹复制到它们上时,它们就会显示错误。我也无法格式化磁盘,因为出现同样的错误
跑步Attributes Disk
Current Read-only State : Yes
Read-only : No
Boot Disk : No
Pagefile Disk : No
Hibernation File Disk : No
Crashdump Disk : No
Clustered Disk : No
The type of the file system is FAT32.
Shadow copying the specified volume is not supported.
Volume USB DISK created 7/11/2021 10:01 AM
Volume Serial Number is BAAD-502B
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
No further action is required.
30,232,640 KB total disk space.
16 KB in 1 hidden files.
432 KB in 27 folders.
16,421,008 KB in 49 files.
13,811,168 KB are available.
16,384 bytes in each allocation unit.
1,889,540 total allocation units on disk.
863,198 allocation units available on disk.
Value Data: 0
Base: Hexadecimal
编辑:我试着取下盖子(在上面花了整整 20 分钟),但它拒绝让步。看起来实际的电路板也隐藏在黑色层后面。下面是一些驱动器的图像。
Device USBSTOR\Disk&Ven_&Prod_USB_DISK_3.0...
请注意,没有供应商 ID 或有用的产品 ID,这意味着磁盘上的固件甚至无法识别自己。这对于廉价磁盘本身并不陌生,但它只会增加廉价造假的普遍气氛。
If the device has a functional controller and any amount of functional memory and you can identify their models, it should be possible to reflash the controller using its manufacturer's utility (which would re-detect the actually available memory chips and rescan them for bad blocks, allow to specify heavier ECC for low-quality memory etc). In particular, most such utilities allow to specify the reported vendor and model IDs which are currently not specified as @harrymc noticed.
https://usbdev.ru is the best resource that I know of that has utilities for both identification and flashing. It also has the H2TESTW utility that you can test a new flash drive with for defects (including fake size).
但是,正如@harrymc 所说,如果您在信誉良好的商店购买驱动器,那么退货或更换它可能比被有缺陷的产品卡住更有效率。