# move pane to the far right/left/bottom/top
bind H splitw -fhb \; swapp -t ! \; killp -t !
bind L splitw -fh \; swapp -t ! \; killp -t !
bind J splitw -fv \; swapp -t ! \; killp -t !
bind K splitw -fvb \; swapp -t ! \; killp -t !
bind H splitw -fhb \; swapp -t ! \; killp -t!
│││ ├────────┘ ├───────┘
│││ │ └ kill the previous pane
│││ └ exchange the previous original pane with the current one
││└ the new pane should be created to the left of or above target-pane
│└ full window height
└ creates a new pane spanning the full window height (with -h)
or full window width (with -v), instead of splitting the active pane
man tmux(1)