我在 Zig(使用 v0.13.0)的内存管理方面遇到了麻烦,涉及全局和静态局部变量的去初始化。
const std = @import("std");
const key_t = u32;
const value_t = u128;
const computed_map_t = std.AutoHashMap(key_t, value_t);
var default_gpa: std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}) = undefined;
const default_allocator = default_gpa.allocator();
pub fn fibonacci(value: key_t) value_t {
const _state = struct {
// How do I deinit this map on program end ?
// Or is it possible to mark it as "ok to leak" ?
var previously_computed = computed_map_t.init(default_allocator);
if (value == 0) return 0;
if (value == 1 or value == 2) return 1;
// Fallback "dumb" implementation because HashMap cannot be used in comptime
if (@inComptime()) {
return fibonacci(value - 2) + fibonacci(value - 1);
} else {
if (_state.previously_computed.get(value)) |res| {
return res;
} else {
const res = fibonacci(value - 2) + fibonacci(value - 1);
_state.previously_computed.put(value, res) catch {
@panic("Something went wrong");
return res;
pub fn main() !void {
default_gpa = @TypeOf(default_gpa){};
defer {
if (.leak == default_gpa.deinit()) {
@panic("GPA leaked !");
const value = 5;
const result = fibonacci(value);
std.debug.print("fibonacci({d}) = {d}\n", .{ value, result });