我让 Xdebug 与 PhpStorm 一起工作,并且一切正常,但是,当我调试代码时,它还会为使用该服务器的其他人运行调试会话。
是否可以为调试器启动定义一个 IP 地址或 IP 范围,并忽略并仅为其他地址提供页面?
我让 Xdebug 与 PhpStorm 一起工作,并且一切正常,但是,当我调试代码时,它还会为使用该服务器的其他人运行调试会话。
是否可以为调试器启动定义一个 IP 地址或 IP 范围,并忽略并仅为其他地址提供页面?
PhpStorm 2023.3.3
查看本地 PHP 文件时,我们可以比较与远程(服务器 SSH 访问)文件的差异,这种差异分屏视图突出显示本地文件和远程文件(在实时或测试服务器或其他服务器上)之间的差异。
请参阅屏幕截图,其中突出显示了一个示例,我们希望在该示例中添加 if 语句包装器(镜头外)和else {...}
if 语句中的 语句(镜头内)。
我在我的搜索结果 ( ) 中遇到过CMD Shift f几次,我在我知道的字符串中搜索我的项目 - 然后 PhpStorm 没有显示给我。
-directory 中搜索,那么它可以找到它:
...但超级奇怪的是,如果我通过简单地删除 来扩大搜索范围screens
我彻底浏览了整个列表 - 但FinanceSingleTermScreen
Maybe it's because there are simply so many files for it to search in. But it's quite annoying if I have to setup scopes for all projects, to start trusting my search again.
If I mark my app
-folder at click CMD Option y (File >> Reload all from disk), to make sure it's not some memory thing.
But it doesn't do a difference.
Didn't do anything.
I tried searching for >Prev
instead of Prev
, and then it shows up!!
And here it is, if I remove the >
... and I have went thoroughly through the search results of that last image. It's not there.
Obviously there are many options there.
I tried a bunch, but it didn't lead to anything.