跟进之前的帖子(发送电子邮件时如何通过 MailItem.SendUsingAccount 设置 Account 对象?),我对该帖子中的一个回复在设置邮件项的属性时使用 SET 而另一个没有使用 SET 感兴趣。这很奇怪!我有一大堆相当复杂的 VBA 代码,
在我的代码中,SET 语句需要在步骤 1) 中存在,但在步骤 2) 中不需要存在,这相当奇怪(包括 SET 生成 91 个运行时错误)。我认为帐户对象不知何故变成了该帐户的 SMTP 地址的字符串,然后 Outlook 将从该电子邮件地址开始使用所需的帐户。
a) 各种声明
Public g_olapp As outlook.Application
Public g_ol_account As outlook.Account
Private olmsg As outlook.MailItem
b) 初始化
Set g_olapp = New outlook.Application
Set g_ol_account = find_account(g_from_email, b_err)
c) 查找帐户函数,这似乎返回一个对象,需要 SET 语句
Private Function find_account(s As String, b As Boolean) As outlook.Account
Dim p_olaccount As outlook.Account
Dim s_send_from As String
s_send_from = UCase(s)
If s_send_from = "" Then
If MsgBox("No account specified, do you want to use the default account <SPJUDGE> ?", Title:=box_title, Buttons:=vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbNo Then
b = True
Exit Function
End If
s_send_from = "SPJUDGE"
End If
Set find_account = Nothing
For Each p_olaccount In g_olapp.Session.Accounts
If (Not InStr(UCase(p_olaccount.SmtpAddress), s_send_from) = 0) Then
Set find_account = p_olaccount
s = p_olaccount.SmtpAddress
Exit Function
End If
MsgBox "Account <" & s_send_from & "> not found" _
& String(2, 13) & "Program terminating", Title:=box_title, _
Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbCritical
b = True
End Function
d) 制作电子邮件项目
Set olmsg = make_new_email(g_olapp, s_email)
e) 另一个创建新电子邮件对象的函数。
Public Function make_new_email(olapp As Object, s As String) As outlook.MailItem
Dim arr() As String
Dim jloc As Integer
Dim jlb As Integer
Dim recip As outlook.Recipient
Set make_new_email = olapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
' MsgBox g_ol_account note this does work.
With make_new_email
.SendUsingAccount = g_ol_account ' WHY NOT SET IN THIS LINE ??
If gb_set_reply Then
.ReplyRecipients.add (g_reply_to_email)
End If
.OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested = b_askfor_receipts
.ReadReceiptRequested = b_askfor_receipts
End With
s = Replace(s, "SIMON JUDGE", "", , , vbTextCompare)
arr = Split(s, ";") ' changed from comma Nov 2023
jlb = LBound(arr)
For jloc = jlb To UBound(arr)
Set recip = make_new_email.Recipients.add(Trim(arr(jloc)))
If jloc = jlb Then
recip.Type = olTo
recip.Type = olCC
End If
Next jloc
End Function
在一种情况下,您要分配一个变量,这需要 VB 增加 COM 对象引用计数(因此
),这本质上是对 之类的函数的调用Set_SendUsingAccount(SomeValue)