我有一个流程,负责使用来自电子邮件的文件创建/更新 SharePoint 列表。
本质上,当电子邮件到达时流程就会运行,我会检查电子邮件到达的日期和时间,然后根据日期和时间将文件添加到 SharePoint 列表中。
我需要 SharePoint 列表在特定时间仅包含特定文件。例如:
Any email that arrives between Friday 6pm - Monday 9am need to be put in the same list
Any email that arrives between Monday 6pm - Tuesday 9am need to be put in the same list
Any email that arrives between Tuesday 6pm - Wednesday 9am need to be put in the same list
Any email that arrives between Wednesday 6pm - Thursday 9am need to be put in the same list
Any email that arrives between Thursday 6pm - Friday 9am need to be put in the same list
int(formatDateTime(triggerOutputs()?['body/receivedDateTime'], 'HH'))
时间戳在上午 9 点之前或下午 6 点之后,或者工作日是星期六或星期日