Fiz uma pergunta sobre o design da tabela de histórico para exclusões no PG 11.5 e recebi uma sugestão para particionar a tabela. Essa é uma excelente ideia, pois a tabela pode ficar enorme e o conteúdo de informações é baixo. Ou seja, vou acabar querendo limpar os dados.
Quando fui reimplementar a tabela com partição, descobri que o PG (11 e 12) não suporta BEFORE ROW
triggers na tabela de partição master, apenas na partição individual. O que leva a uma tonelada de código de ligação. Existe uma maneira melhor? Tudo que eu tenho o gatilho neste caso é subtrair dois timestamps e armazenar os segundos. 11.5, portanto, nenhuma coluna gerada.
Estou incluído no código, embora seja bastante longo, pois esse é o ponto.
Column order tweaked a bit with Column Tetris search from
Totally geeky, but this table could get big, so its worth saving some room.
Note that we can also roll up data and discard a lot of the details in this
table, if we want to save room.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data.need_history (
facility_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
perc_down double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
created_dts timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
deleted_dts timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
total_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
sterile_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
available_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
still_need_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
usage_ integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
duration_seconds int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
need_for_case citext NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
status citext NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CONSTRAINT need_history_id_pkey
PRIMARY KEY (id,deleted_dts)
) PARTITION BY RANGE (deleted_dts);
ALTER TABLE data.need_history OWNER TO user_change_structure;
/* It's a big confusingly documented, but ranges are *inclusive* FROM and *exclusive* TO.
So, to get January, you want 01-01 to 02-01, not 01-01 to 01-31. In practice,
this makes the range descriptions a bit nicer, I'd say. */
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2019_11 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-11-01') TO ('2019-12-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2019_12 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-12-01') TO ('2020-01-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_01 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-01') TO ('2020-02-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_02 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-01') TO ('2020-03-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_03 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-03-01') TO ('2020-04-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_04 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-04-01') TO ('2020-05-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_05 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-05-01') TO ('2020-06-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_06 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-06-01') TO ('2020-07-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_07 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-07-01') TO ('2020-08-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_08 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-08-01') TO ('2020-09-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_09 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-09-01') TO ('2020-10-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_10 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-01') TO ('2020-11-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_11 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-11-01') TO ('2020-12-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_12 PARTITION OF need_history
FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-01') TO ('2021-01-01');
CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_default PARTITION OF need_history DEFAULT;
/* Define the trigger function to update the duration count.
In PG 12 well be able to do this with a generated column...easier. */
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger()
RETURNS trigger AS
/* Use DATE_TRUNC seconds to get just the whole seconds part of the timestamps. */
NEW.duration_seconds =
DATE_TRUNC('second', NEW.deleted_dts) -
DATE_TRUNC('second', NEW.created_dts)
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Bind a trigger event to the function.
Note: In PG 11 & 12, BEFORE ROW triggers must be applied to the individual partitions, not the partition table.
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_11 ON data.need_history_2019_11;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_11
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2019_11
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_12 ON data.need_history_2019_12;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_12
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2019_12
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_01 ON data.need_history_2020_01;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_01
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_01
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_02 ON data.need_history_2020_02;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_02
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_02
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_03 ON data.need_history_2020_03;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_03
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_03
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_04 ON data.need_history_2020_04;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_04
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_04
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_05 ON data.need_history_2020_05;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_05
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_05
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_06 ON data.need_history_2020_06;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_06
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_06
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_07 ON data.need_history_2020_07;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_07
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_07
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_08 ON data.need_history_2020_08;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_08
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_08
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_09 ON data.need_history_2020_09;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_09
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_09
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_10 ON data.need_history_2020_10;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_10
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_10
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_11 ON data.need_history_2020_11;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_11
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_11
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_12 ON data.need_history_2020_12;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_12
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_12
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_default ON data.need_history_default;
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_default
BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_default
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();```
Não conheço nenhuma solução integrada para isso; Acho que você precisa executar sua própria
instrução para cada nova partição.Existem algumas maneiras de automatizar isso. Esta função será útil:
Se você:
instrução para adicionar o gatilho automaticamente e...então você pode escrever um gatilho de evento para disparar na criação da partição e instalar o gatilho automaticamente:
No entanto, na maioria dos casos, provavelmente é mais simples envolver todo o processo de criação de partição em uma função:
Isso pode valer a pena fazer independentemente do requisito do gatilho: ele mantém os detalhes do seu esquema de particionamento bem encapsulados, garante que os intervalos de partição sejam construídos corretamente e as convenções de nomenclatura sejam seguidas, além de tornar todo o processo de adição de partições muito mais fácil de usar. amigáveis. Por exemplo, as partições em seu script podem ser criadas com um único comando:
Dito tudo isso, se suas tabelas de histórico são
-only, e a única fonte de novos registros é a instrução trigger ondata.need
, então eu provavelmente não teria todo esse problema; Eu apenas calcularia oduration_seconds
valor naINSERT
própria declaração.Para ficar paranóico, você também pode adicionar uma
restrição emdata.need_history
(que será herdada por todas as partições) para verificar se o campo está sendo definido corretamente: