Encontrei um cara falando sobre semântica MDL em um relatório de bug Galera/XtraDB.
O que é MDL? O termo MDL também nos logs do Galera MDL conflict
. Por favor, explique em detalhes.
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112699321088 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to certification failure for threads:
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112699321088 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112690834176 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to high priority abort for threads:
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112690834176 [Note] WSREP: Winning thread:
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112690834176 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112690834176 [Note] WSREP: MDL conflict db=APC_MYSQLMON_DB table=TABLE1 ticket=4 solved by abort
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112695683840 [Note] WSREP: MDL conflict db=APC_MYSQLMON_DB table=TABLE1 ticket=8 solved by abort
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112695683840 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to certification failure for threads:
2018-06-14 17:07:10 140112695683840 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:26:47 140112698108672 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to certification failure for threads:
2018-06-14 17:26:47 140112698108672 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:34:48 140087340817152 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to certification failure for threads:
2018-06-14 17:34:48 140087340817152 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140076554697472 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to high priority abort for threads:
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140076554697472 [Note] WSREP: Winning thread:
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140076554697472 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140076554697472 [Note] WSREP: MDL conflict db=APC_MYSQLMON_DB table=TABLE1 ticket=4 solved by abort
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140087340817152 [Note] WSREP: MDL conflict db=APC_MYSQLMON_DB table=TABLE1 ticket=8 solved by abort
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140087340817152 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to certification failure for threads:
2018-06-14 17:36:48 140087340817152 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:37:50 139917573339904 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to certification failure for threads:
2018-06-14 17:37:50 139917573339904 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
2018-06-14 17:05:12 139927950939904 [Warning] WSREP: Failed to report last committed 1941199495, -4 (Interrupted system call)
2018-06-14 17:09:41 139900840323840 [Note] WSREP: cluster conflict due to high priority abort for threads:
2018-06-14 17:09:41 139900840323840 [Note] WSREP: Winning thread:
2018-06-14 17:09:41 139900840323840 [Note] WSREP: Victim thread:
Significa "MetaData Locking" vendo as fontes do MySQL https://dev.mysql.com/doc/dev/mysql-server/8.0.0/mdl_8h.html
É uma forma de manter um banco de dados ACID evitando o acesso simultâneo aos mesmos dados. A ideia é que os metadados de uma tabela sejam "bloqueados" quando uma consulta dentro de uma transação utilizar essa tabela. Fazendo isso, outra transação não terá permissão para fazer consultas DDL nessas tabelas bloqueadas.
Por exemplo, se você fizer um
entãoSELECT * FROM t
em um aplicativo cliente, os metadados da tabelat
serão bloqueados. Nenhum outro cliente poderá fazer umALTER TABLE t ...
porque isso atrapalharia a estrutura da tabela enquanto a 1ª transação do cliente ainda estiver aberta.Mais informações no documento MySQL https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/metadata-locking.html