我必须创建一个 .tex 文件以最终提交给 IEEE Trans.,我从 bib 文件中生成 bibitems 并将其放在主 .tex 文件中。但是,每个参考文献的第一个单词略微向右移动(与其他行对齐问题)。任何帮助都将不胜感激,我附上了一个最小示例以便更好地理解。
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This is just an example
\IEEEPARstart{W}{ith} Quantum Computer, current PKC algorithms are at risk \cite{rsa} and elliptic curve cryptography \cite{ecc},\cite{shor} \cite{kyber}.
R.~L. Rivest, A.~Shamir, and L.~Adleman, ``A method for obtaining digital
signatures and public-key cryptosystems,'' \emph{Communications of the ACM},
vol.~21, no.~2, pp. 120--126, 1978.
V.~S. Miller, ``Use of elliptic curves in cryptography,'' in \emph{Conference
on the theory and application of cryptographic techniques}.\hskip 1em plus
0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Springer, 1985, pp. 417--426.
P.~W. Shor, ``Algorithms for quantum computation: discrete logarithms and
factoring,'' in \emph{Proceedings 35th annual symposium on foundations of
computer science}.\hskip 1em plus 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax IEEE, 1994, pp.
R.~Avanzi, J.~Bos, L.~Ducas, E.~Kiltz, T.~Lepoint, V.~Lyubashevsky, J.~M.
Schanck, P.~Schwabe, G.~Seiler, and D.~Stehl{\'e}, ``{CRYSTALS}-{K}yber
algorithm specifications and supporting documentation,'' \emph{NIST PQC
Round}, vol.~2, no.~4, pp. 1--43, 2019.